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ADAQUEUE - Ada and Queue |
Ada the Ladybug has many things to do. She puts them into her queue. Anyway she is very indecisive, so sometime she uses the top, sometime the back and sometime she decides to reverses it.
The first line consists of 1 ≤ Q ≤ 106, number of queries. Each of them contains one of following commands
back - Print number from back and then erase it
front - Print number from front and then erase it
reverse - Reverses all elements in queue
push_back N - Add element N to back
toFront N - Put element N to front
All numbers will be 0 ≤ N ≤ 100
For each back/front query print appropriate number.
If you would get this type of query and the queue would be empty, print "No job for Ada?" instead.
Example Input
15 toFront 93 front back reverse back reverse toFront 80 push_back 53 push_back 50 front front reverse push_back 66 reverse front
Example Output
93 No job for Ada? No job for Ada? 80 53 66
Adicionado por: | Morass |
Data: | 2016-09-06 |
Tempo limite: | 3.5s |
Tamanho do fonte: | 50000B |
Memory limit: | 1536MB |
Cluster: | Cube (Intel G860) |
Linguagem permitida: | Todas exceto: ASM64 CLOJURE ERL FSHARP GOSU PERL6 PY_NBC SCALA TCL |