ABSYS - Anti-Blot System

Jimmy is a hard-working pupil in his second year at primary school. Recently he decided to convert all his notes into an electronic version. Sadly, he found that his math notes were full of ink blots.

He scanned the notes and sent them through his own OCR package (yes, he coded it all by himself at the age of 8). The OCR package replaced all ink blots by the string "machula".

Problem specification

You are given Jimmy's notes, processed by the OCR. They contain simple math exercises, which were used to practice addition on positive integers. Your task is to recover the damaged part of the notes.

Input specification

The first line of the input file contains an integer T specifying the number of test cases. Each test case is preceded by a blank line.

Each test case consists of exactly one line. The line represents an equation of the form "number + number = number", where each number is a positive integer. One part of the equation will be replaced by the string "machula". The string always covers a contiguous non-empty sequence of digits, possibly even an entire number. You may assume that for each equation in the input there will be exactly one way to fill in the missing digits.

Output specification

For each test case, the output shall contain one line of the form "number + number = number". The line must represent the equation from that test case with all missing digits filled in.



23 + 47 = machula

3247 + 5machula2 = 3749

machula13 + 75425 = 77038

23 + 47 = 70
3247 + 502 = 3749
1613 + 75425 = 77038

Note: int in C++/C/Java or longint in Pascal is enough.

Added by:Fudan University Problem Setters
Time limit:1s
Source limit:50000B
Memory limit:1536MB
Cluster: Cube (Intel G860)
Languages:All except: C99 ERL JS-RHINO
Resource:IPSC 2007

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2016-09-03 12:02:24
Really Awesome Problem.

DO NOT READ COMMENT FOR WHAT TYPE OF FUNCTION TO USE OR ANY SUCH THING. Just use your own approach and when there is error debug it , do it step by step. It will take longer but you can be sure of one thing that you did all by yourself. My code was 116 lines. And i did not used any extra function......and did all by myself. Please do all of it by yourself. MY 18th.

Each test case is preceded by a blank line.

Input can occur like this :

23 + 47 = machula

3247 + 5machula2 = 3749

machula13 + 75425 = 77038

Last edit: 2016-09-03 17:38:04
2016-08-27 12:28:56
wrong interpretation costed 3RE:(
2016-08-06 09:20:36
convert string into integer then the problem will be cakewalk
2016-06-25 11:42:01
So many WA for "maNchula", very idiotic mistake, AC finally!!
2016-06-21 15:42:15
EASY AC IN one GO!!!!!!!!!!
2016-06-17 18:43:55
Very good problem... Learnt a lot of new things.... Must for beginners in strings.
2016-05-29 12:09:41 sanjay
Easy with STOLL opertaion. thanks author. :)
2016-04-17 20:13:51
should i assume that '+' is the only operator?
2016-02-23 21:11:30
AC in one go !!!
2016-02-04 17:22:19 Priyank
On same logic, I got TLE for JAVA but AC for C.

Last edit: 2016-02-04 17:24:05
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