ALPHANUM - String Jutsu

Naruto has used a Jutsu to encrypt a top secret message consisting of any possible character of length <= 1000, he wants to send to Sakura Chan. You are a ninja of Hidden Mist Village, and your task is to decrypt it by using following rules:-

You have to output a string such that:-

  • If the letter is lowercase convert it into uppercase and vice versa.
  • if there is a special character (any character other than numbers, letters, space) convert it into dot(.).
  • any number appearing as a substring is to be converted into corresponding lowercase letter (a for 1, b for 2 ... z for 0) and if the number is greater than 26 then the number is modulo 26. Wink


First line of input tells number of test cases (t <= 100). Each of next t lines contain a string s (|s| <= 1000).


For each test case output Naruto's message.


Ha74E 235 144i3e 82A51*:) Output: hAve a nIcE day...

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Time limit:1s
Source limit:50000B
Memory limit:1536MB
Cluster: Cube (Intel G860)
Languages:All except: ASM64

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