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ARRAYSUB - subarrays |
Given an array and an integer k, find the maximum for each and every contiguous subarray of size k.
the number n denoting number of elements in the array then after a new line we have the numbers of the array and then k in a new line
n < 106
k < 105
1 ≤ k ≤ n
and each element of the array is between 0 and 106
(Edited: In fact, n ≤ 105)
print the output array
Input: 9 1 2 3 1 4 5 2 3 6 3 Output: 3 3 4 5 5 5 6
Added by: | priyamehtanit |
Date: | 2012-02-09 |
Time limit: | 1s |
Source limit: | 50000B |
Memory limit: | 1536MB |
Cluster: | Cube (Intel G860) |
Languages: | All except: ASM64 |
Resource: | own |
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2017-02-11 07:15:52
Last edit: 2017-02-11 07:16:28 |
2017-02-04 09:08:34 kshitij tripathi
using deque : 0.01 s , bruteforce : 0.80s :D |
2017-01-20 14:19:55
got ac with segment tree but can someone share o(n)code mail me to Last edit: 2022-06-26 15:51:24 |
2017-01-10 12:54:16
O(n) deque 0.04s |
2017-01-06 16:35:59
brute force and deque both are accepted but brute force is easy!! Last edit: 2017-01-06 17:35:44 |
2017-01-03 07:12:15
how can i see others source code? |
2016-12-28 09:32:38
did using to do with #sliding window? |
2016-10-28 20:04:30
brute force works but use deque to learn something new ;-) |
2016-10-10 22:30:48
2016-10-03 04:51:17
Note to C# solvers: Input is formatted incorrectly, use RemoveEmptyEntries. |