ATOMS - Atoms in the Lab

Mr. Yagami is a scientist in the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre. They are conducting a lab experiment on nuclear fission. In nuclear fission, one atom breaks into more than one atom of the same type.

Initially, there are N atoms in the lab. Starting from now (t = 0), after each second, every atom will break into K atoms of the same type. They don’t want the number of atoms to exceed M, so they have to stop the reaction at some time t = T. Can you find this value T for Mr. Yagami.


First line contains P, the number of test cases. Next P lines contain three integers each. These three integers represent the values of N, K and M respectively.


For each test case print the time at which the reaction will have to be stopped.


1 ≤ P ≤ 104
2 ≤ N, K, M ≤ 1018


2 2 7
2 2 8



1st test case:

  • at t=1, number of atoms will be 4.
  • at t=2, number of atoms will be 8.

So reaction has to be stopped at t=1.

2nd test case:

  • at t=1, number of atoms will be 4.
  • at t=2, number of atoms will be 8.
  • at t=3, number of atoms will be 16.

Problem Setter: Lalit Kundu

Added by:darkshadows
Time limit:1s
Source limit:50000B
Memory limit:1536MB
Cluster: Cube (Intel G860)

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2017-05-19 17:16:53
search for the required term of geometric progressoin
2017-04-03 14:49:56
AC after one WA after considering one or two cases ..
2017-04-01 14:22:55
@smtcoder : Yes, you are correct. I got AC in one go without using double, float or all that. Just long long int(in C and C++) is enough.
2017-03-30 03:25:51
O(1)..!! 0.00 sec
2017-01-24 15:44:57
Thanks @rajat_singhal. Your comment helped. AC after one TLE
2017-01-19 14:04:40
use double otherwise get limit exceeded in c.
2017-01-15 07:17:38
Finally AC using float with log();double costed WA
2017-01-11 17:51:05
use log();
use float instead of double costed me 3WA
2016-12-26 13:46:19
beauty lies between every spoj question..!
2016-12-15 15:07:45
Consider the case when m<n...
Costed me 1 WA :(
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