BFK_AUTO - Automatic Brainf##k Code Generator (Shortening AI)

In this problem, you'll make an automatic Brainf**k code generator. Given a text file (input data), your program should output brainf**k code that if executed it will print the text file (exactly same with given input data). The text file containts printable ASCII character only: { '<line feed>'(ASCII(10)) , '<space>'(ASCII(32)) , ... , '~'(ASCII(126)) }. It's guaranteed that the filesize of text file is less than 1MB.


Text file containing printable ASCII only with size<1MB.


Brainf**k code that print that text file.


Your score is: Sum of all BF code length in all test data


Hello World!


Your Score (BF Code Length, valid command only):



Note: This is the first time I make my own judge, I've tested it hundred times with various test data, and so far no bug is found (found some but has been fixed). If you found a bug, you can send me info via PM or email, I'll fix that as soon as possible. Btw, here is the judge for this problem, maybe it'll be useful information for you. Good Luck and Have Fun :-D

See also: Another problem added by Tjandra Satria Gunawan

Added by:Tjandra Satria Gunawan
Time limit:22s
Source limit:50000B
Memory limit:1536MB
Cluster: Cube (Intel G860)
Languages:All except: ASM64
Resource:This problem is purely came from my own idea \(^_^)/

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