CLOPPAIR - Closest Point Pair

You are given N points on a plane and your task is to find a pair of points with the smallest Euclidean distance between them.

All points will be unique and there is only one pair with the smallest distance.


First line of input will contain N (2<=N<=50000) and then N lines follow each line contains two integers giving the X and Y coordinate of the point. Absolute value of X,Y will be at most 10^6.


Output 3 numbers a b c, where a, b (a<b) are the indexes (0 based) of the point pair in the input and c is the distance between them. Round c to 6 decimal digits.

See samples for more clarification.

0 0
0 1
100 45
2 3
9 9


0 1 1.000000
0 0
-4 1
-7 -2
4 5
1 1


0 4 1.414214

Added by:SALVO
Time limit:1s
Source limit:50000B
Memory limit:1536MB
Cluster: Cube (Intel G860)
Languages:All except: ASM64
Resource:Standard Problem

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2024-08-15 14:40:52
easy problem
2024-08-15 14:40:10
AC in one GO!
Mo's algorithm + Bitmasking
2024-08-15 14:38:39
AC in one go using MO s Algorithm(Modified Operations Algorithm)
2024-08-15 14:32:56
just use static programming and ternary lifting
2023-05-22 10:01:12
REMEMBER a < b and EXACTLY 6 digits
2022-10-28 11:31:26
3 important thing
1. find the answer in long long then get the sqrt
2. be careful about a < b
3. use 1ll* in some part of code
2021-09-12 17:33:47
Make sure your output is (a < b)
Make sure that you use cout << fixed << setprecision(6) before printing answer
Finally, make sure your algorithm is correct then you would get accepted
2021-06-05 14:53:36
even n(logn)^2 worked
2021-01-02 13:23:43
Those who are stuck on TC 12 ,it wants exactly 6 digits after decimal no more no less :)
2020-08-18 17:37:05
Can be done using line sweep algorithm in nlogn
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