DIVSUM - Divisor Summation

Given a natural number n (1 <= n <= 500000), please output the summation of all its proper divisors.

Definition: A proper divisor of a natural number is the divisor that is strictly less than the number.

e.g. number 20 has 5 proper divisors: 1, 2, 4, 5, 10, and the divisor summation is: 1 + 2 + 4 + 5 + 10 = 22.


An integer stating the number of test cases (equal to about 200000), and that many lines follow, each containing one integer between 1 and 500000 inclusive.


One integer each line: the divisor summation of the integer given respectively.


Sample Input:

Sample Output:

Warning: large Input/Output data, be careful with certain languages

Added by:Neal Zane
Time limit:3s
Source limit:5000B
Memory limit:1536MB
Cluster: Cube (Intel G860)
Resource:Neal Zane

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2015-08-16 12:11:31 abhinav
Can anybody tell me what is wrong with my code. I am getting correct answer's for all the test cases which I tried, but I am getting WA on submission(http://ideone.com/*********).

=(Francky)=> Please read the notes below (no source code here, nor in link), rather use the forum for any help.

Last edit: 2015-08-16 12:59:25
2015-08-10 20:31:35
At 3rd got AC
2015-08-03 17:31:55 ROHIT Kumar
for 1 ans should be 0
...wasted my 5 submission...
2015-08-02 17:13:33 akash
runtime error..!
2015-07-26 22:16:15 ALi Ibrahim
Third Accepted, nice problem :)
2015-07-26 15:12:01 ALi Ibrahim
you are printing so much, eg:printf("Input the number of test cases \n");
you should follow the output format.
2015-07-17 08:13:27 Piyush Deshmukh
AC in first attempt. For those who are struggling with TLE, My algo works in O(log(n)+sqrt(n)) in C, 0.12 sec.
2015-07-15 13:54:19 scyth3r

Last edit: 2015-07-15 20:36:36
2015-07-15 08:35:38 scyth3r

Last edit: 2015-07-15 20:36:15
2015-07-13 06:47:50 QuickGun93
use c or c++ with long long. same logic in python gave tle
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