FCTRL2 - Small factorials

You are asked to calculate factorials of some small positive integers.


An integer t, 1 ≤ t ≤ 100, denoting the number of testcases, followed by t lines, each containing a single integer n, 1 ≤ n ≤ 100.


For each integer n given at input, display a line with the value of n!




Added by:adrian
Time limit:1s
Source limit:2000B
Memory limit:1536MB
Cluster: Cube (Intel G860)

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2010-12-15 01:51:10 shivang
I am getting correct answer for every test case on my machine but on submission WA is coming. Could anyone guide me in the right direction. values that i have checked are - 1,2.....,15,71,100.......correct result for all of them. Thanks in advance :)
2010-12-10 18:45:49 :D
I'm not sure I understood you correctly. If your program is printing anything but the decimal numbers as a sequence of digits, than this is WA.

You should always follow the format specified. Also exponential notation is probably rounding the numbers. How's that supposed to be judged?

I'm pretty sure you can get the desired result with bigint package in perl.
2010-12-10 17:02:44 Kos
what's wrong with perl? i tested my solution with 100, 100, ..., and everything was ok. but here i get WA, is it because perl use exponential notation for big numbers?
2010-11-28 09:10:09 Nebojsa
why is it that i have to resubmit my solution , and why does it say my programing language is ada then its C
2010-10-09 13:51:17 Broteen Kundu
my compiler is giving no error, but when im submitting my solution, its coming compile time error! what should i do??
2010-10-02 16:28:07 sashidhar

Last edit: 2010-10-03 06:02:09
2010-05-31 17:35:54 coder
100! is 933262154439441526816992388562667004907159682643816214685929638952175999932

158 characters long!!

Last edit: 2010-05-31 17:40:44
2010-05-17 05:55:47 Seshadri R
@Subhajit Sadhu: The data type (int, unsigned or long long unsigned) used by you for holding the result could have been too small and an arithmetic overflow would have resulted
2010-05-06 14:58:49 Subhajit Sadhu
my own compiler is giving correct result..bt when I'm submitting in ur compiler it is giving "runtime error (SIGABRT)" wht does this imply ???
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