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FOXLINGS - Foxlings |
It’s Christmas time in the forest, and both the Fox and the Wolf families are celebrating. The rather large Fox family consists of two parents as well as N (1≤N≤109) little Foxlings. The parents have decided to give their children a special treat this year – crackers! After all, it’s a well-known fact that Foxen love crackers.
With such a big family, the parents can’t afford that many crackers. As such, they wish to minimize how many they give out, but still insure that each Foxling gets at least a bit. The parents can only give out entire crackers, which can then be divided and passed around.
With this many children, not all of them know one another all that well. The Foxlings have names, of course, but their parents are computer scientists, so they have also conveniently numbered them from 1 to N. There are M (1≤M≤105) unique two-way friendships among the Foxlings, where relationship i is described by the distinct integers Ai and Bi (1≤Ai,Bi≤N), indicating that Foxling Ai is friends with Foxling Bi, and vice versa. When a Foxling is given a cracker, he can use his tail to precisely split it into as many pieces as he wants (the tails of Foxen have many fascinating uses). He can then pass these pieces around to his friends, who can repeat this process themselves.
Line 1: 2 integers, N and M
Next M lines: 2 integers, Ai and Bi, for i=1..M
A single integer – the minimum number crackers must be given out, such that each Foxling ends up with at least a small part of a cracker.
Input: 9 5 3 1 6 1 7 6 2 7 8 9 Output: 4
Explanation of Sample:
The parents can give one cracker to Foxling 6, who will then split it into three and give pieces to his friends (Foxlings 1 and 7). Foxling 7 can then give half of his piece to his other friend, Foxling 2.
They can give another cracker to Foxling 8, who will split it with Foxling 9.
This leaves Foxlings 4 and 5, who have no friends (don’t worry, Foxen have long since outgrown the need for friends), and who must be given one cracker each. This brings the total up to 4 crackers.
Added by: | SourSpinach |
Date: | 2013-05-07 |
Time limit: | 2s |
Source limit: | 50000B |
Memory limit: | 1536MB |
Cluster: | Cube (Intel G860) |
Languages: | All except: ASM64 |
Resource: | Own problem |
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2019-04-03 21:00:54
unordered_map => TLE map => AC |
2019-02-14 21:55:35
AC in one go |
2019-02-08 15:44:30
Getting WA on the 13th case. Please help! |
2018-06-15 07:06:12
constraint for n is 10^9 not 10^5........costed me hell lot of time and TLEs............. |
2018-05-15 21:42:15
got 2 WA's and then an AC on the very same code!!! |
2017-10-19 04:49:58
My DSU in Python TLE'd, got AC with another approach. Is it too much to ask that the time limit be set so that the expected algorithm can pass? With the input appearing to be megabytes in size, many people will fail on IO alone, never knowing how good or bad their actual solution was. |
2017-09-19 14:05:39
Hi @Siddharth Singh, how did you asked for help, i don't see any way of contacting people? please let me know if i am missing something. Mine is ACC But time is 8.5 where as his total time is 0.04, how come it is possible i want to know. please help if you could. :) |
2017-09-09 10:26:50
AC. DSU and map :) |
2017-02-28 16:45:54
AC bitset ;) |
2017-01-25 10:41:27
binary search and disjoint set AC in 1 go. |