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GAMES - How Many Games? |
A player has played unknown number of games. We know the average score of the player (sum of scores in all the games / number of games). Find the minimum number of games the player should have played to achieve that average.
The player can score any non-negative integer score in a game.
The first line consists of an integer t, the number of test cases. Each test case consists of a single rational number which represents the average score of the player.
For each test case, find the minimum number of matches the player should have played to achieve that average.
1 ≤ t ≤ 1000
1 ≤ average ≤ 1000000 (maximum 4 digits after the decimal place)
Input: 3 5 5.5 30.25 Output: 1 2 4
Added by: | cegprakash |
Date: | 2012-10-12 |
Time limit: | 1s |
Source limit: | 50000B |
Memory limit: | 1536MB |
Cluster: | Cube (Intel G860) |
Languages: | All except: ASM64 |
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2013-04-12 11:47:41 Ramanjaneyulu Nallagonda
what is ans for 10.3345? |
2013-04-12 06:47:49 D Pratap
Be careful a bit while using doulbe / float for this problem . java's Double.parseDouble("0.2348") read it as 0.23479... |
2013-04-12 06:43:57 D Pratap
@ George Skhirtladze i got AC, it is expecting 10000 for 0.3333 . so the average given is not truncated average , it can be assumed as exact average. Last edit: 2013-04-12 06:45:34 |
2013-03-28 16:39:07 P[_]/|/K
nice one!!! |
2013-03-26 17:27:52 Chandan Singh
nice problem :) |
2013-03-08 12:47:32 gskhirtladze
for 0.3 answer=10 but 0.3333 answer is 3 am i right ? |
2012-12-25 12:48:30 Goldie
nice one .. a bit logical. |
2012-12-22 08:01:51 god_father
nice question...:) |
2012-11-30 11:11:04 saket diwakar
nice one...:) |
2012-11-26 22:52:45 malioboro
I'm use double and still WA, is it the same problem like user who use float? |