MAGIC2 - Magic Program II


Write a program with minimum length to print the output (119729 bytes).


The score of your program is the length of your source code in bytes.

Notice: Sorry to the Python and PHP user, since these languages support compress functions, there are not allowed. Some submissions in these languages are judged as Wrong Answer now.

Added by:Bin Jin
Time limit:1.296s
Source limit:100000B
Memory limit:1536MB
Cluster: Cube (Intel G860)
Languages:C CSHARP C++ 4.3.2 C99 JAVA PAS-GPC PAS-FPC
Resource:own problem

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2024-05-20 11:27:18
you should use some offline-decode algorithm and compress the text to a short message, and in your source code, decompress it and write it to output
2016-06-23 15:57:18 Shubham Pandey
nice problem ;)
2016-02-26 10:08:05 [Rampage] Blue.Mary
2016-02-24 23:11:31 thierry
Sadly, link to the output is broken (404) and raises a certificate issue :(.

@Rampage : ty.

Last edit: 2016-04-13 23:50:14
2015-06-21 08:19:08 Satyam Mishra
i can't understand the problem statement.
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