MATGAME - Matrix Game

Two players, A and B, play the following game.

  1. First, a matrix M of size N*M is chosen, and filled with non-zero numbers.
  2. Player A starts the game and the players play alternately.
  3. In his turn, a player chooses any row which has at least one non zero number in it. In this row, the left-most non zero number is chosen. Let this number be K. The player subtracts any number between 1 and K inclusive from it.
  4. The game ends when all the numbers in the matrix M are 0.
  5. The player who plays last wins the game.

Given N, M and the initial matrix, determine who wins the game. Assume that both players play optimally.


The first line contains the number of test cases T. Each test case consists of 2 numbers N and M. There follow N lines each having M integers. The jth number on the ith line is the number M[i][j]. There is a blank line between consecutive test cases.


Output T lines, one for each case. Output "FIRST" if player A wins, else output "SECOND".


T <= 1000

1 <= N, M <= 50

The initial matrix values are between 1 and 50 inclusive.


2 2
1 1
1 1

1 3
2 1 1

2 2
3 2
3 2


Added by:Varun Jalan
Time limit:1s
Source limit:50000B
Memory limit:1536MB
Cluster: Cube (Intel G860)
Resource:own problem used for Codechef Snackdown

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2024-08-23 09:48:40
Hint: calculate your grundy numbers based on the current number and the number to the right of it
2018-06-11 10:05:20
Has anyone done this without using Sprague Grundy number? I would like to know an alternative approach.
2017-06-25 23:01:39
@luv_misra Second should win
1 2 3 4 -> 0 2 3 4 First takes one
0 2 3 4 -> 0 1 3 4 Second takes one
0 1 3 4 -> 0 0 3 4 First takes one
0 0 3 4 -> 0 0 1 4 Second takes two
0 0 1 4 -> 0 0 0 4 First takes one
0 0 0 4 -> 0 0 0 0 Second takes four and wins
2017-06-04 18:08:02
1 4
1 2 3 4
in this test case SECOND should not win. But SPOJ says SECOND wins. why?

Last edit: 2017-06-04 18:09:41
2016-03-19 09:16:53 Md. Najim Ahmed
i dont know much game theory but man... i had fun solving it :v and that even in one attempt ...
nice problem :)
Thumbs Up :D
2015-06-29 13:21:27 jkelava6
: : still coding -_- :: first player will take 2 in his first move. THEN they both take one. First player wins!
2015-03-09 08:54:49 : : still coding -_- :
in second test case if each player substracts 1 in his/her turn each time...the answer will be second..?
2014-12-30 12:10:33 Utkarsh Saxena
uff!!.. my first game theory question.. nice :D
2014-04-17 02:08:58 Deepak gupta
great problem :)
2013-07-13 19:01:16 Shwetank sharad
someone please post some more test cases
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