MAX_NUM - finding maximum possible number

Given a number n, find the maximum possible number you can make by deleting exactly k digits.

T : number of test cases ≤ 103.

1 ≤ number of digits in n ≤ 105. (n might contain leading zeros.)

0 ≤ k ≤ n

if value of n is equal to k. then just print a new line.


T: number of test cases.

T lines follow each with n and k.


The maximum possible number.


1223 2
8756 2



Note that left to right order should be maintained. As in the example given answer is 23 not 32.

Added by:praveen123
Time limit:0.407s
Source limit:50000B
Memory limit:1536MB
Cluster: Cube (Intel G860)
Languages:All except: ASM64

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2013-05-02 06:48:14 praveen123
I have updated the problem statement to make it more cleaner, I have also modified the test cases. Three solutions have been accepted.
Please give your opinion on the quality of problem and also on the issue of time limit.
2013-05-02 06:48:14 praveen123
hi all,
First of thank you Alex Anderson for giving me test cases for checking input - output.
I had a small bug in the code. when some two digits coincided. So I am changing input and output file now and rejudging all the submission.
@:D , if you feel that judge data seems to be correct or may be want to suggest some improvements for the problem, I will really appreciate that.
Please make problem visible when all the conflicts are over.

Last edit: 2013-02-10 03:13:36
2013-05-02 06:48:14 :D
Re praveen123: Pretty much what Robert said. For test cases here my solutions coincide. Could you print some small case where any of us fails?
2013-05-02 06:48:14 Robert Gerbicz
My code prints the same answers for that two input. But you can see our code as (here) you are the problem setter.

Say n has got L digits; after deleting k digits in every case you have got the same length=L-k. It means that if you want the maximal number you have to start with 9 (if in the number there is a 9 and you can complete the number to have L-k digits), in the 2nd place you will see again 9 in general etc. so for me it is not surprising that you see a lot of consecutive 9's.
2013-05-02 06:48:14 praveen123
:D , you are printing out a huge streak of 9's as in the case of Robert.
Could tell me your understanding of the problem so that I could see that something is incorrect at logic side or implementation side
2013-05-02 06:48:14 Robert Gerbicz
I feel that we are talking about different problem. What is the answer for: 313 1 ? My current code prints 33.
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