MJLAR10 - Jollo

Jollo is a simple card game which the children from Logonia love to play. It is played between two players with a normal deck of 52 cards. In the game, cards are ordered according to their rank and suit, forming a sequence of 52 distinct values.

The game is composed of three rounds, played in a best-of-three series (a player must win two rounds to win the game). At the beginning of the game the deck is shuffled and each player is given a hand of three cards. In each round the players show one card to each other and the player with the highest card wins the round. The cards shown in a round are discarded (i.e., they cannot be shown again).

The King’s son loves to play the game. But he is not very smart, losing frequently to his little sister. And when he loses, he cries so loud no one can stand it. The servant who deals the cards to the Prince and his sister is afraid he will be sent to prison if the Prince continues to lose. The servant is allowed to see every card he deals, and after dealing five cards (three to the Princess and two to the Prince) he wants to know which is the lowest card he should deal to the Prince so that there is no chance he will lose the game, no matter how badly he plays.


Each test case is given in a single line that contains five distinct integers A, B, C, X and  Y, describing the cards dealt to the players. The first three cards are given to the Princess (1 ≤ A, B, C ≤ 52) and the last two cards are given to the Prince (1 ≤ X, Y ≤ 52). The last test case is followed by a line containing five zeros.


For each test case output a single line. If there exists a card that will make the Prince win the game no matter how badly he plays, you must print the lowest such a card. Otherwise, print -1.


28 51 29 50 52
50 26 19 10 27
10 20 30 24 26
46 48 49 47 50
0 0 0 0 0


Added by:psetter
Time limit:1s
Source limit:50000B
Memory limit:1536MB
Cluster: Cube (Intel G860)
Languages:All except: ASM64
Resource:ACM ICPC2010 – Latin American Regional

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2010-11-09 19:25:46 A. Muh. Primabudi
who is right? please fix the problem.
i got 7WA 2 TLE because a misunderstanding
2010-11-09 19:25:46 :D
In the present data set version there is no first line (4 3) and the last line (0 0 0 0 0). End reading on EOF.
2010-11-09 19:25:46 numerix
Input data is broken! Should be fixed!
To be more precise: It is possible to solve the problem, but depending on the used language and the way of reading the data, it is harder to solve these input-problem than to solve the problem itself. First line is not the problem - it doesn't exist. But it seems that there is at least one of the following lines that has not exactly 5 values and moreover there seems to be a second dataset that is completey empty ...

Last edit: 2010-11-08 20:12:38
2010-11-09 19:25:46 Dominik Kempa
~!(*(@*!@^&: Fix or describe first line...

Last edit: 2010-11-07 10:51:36
2010-11-09 19:25:46 Michael T
Something wrong with input format. Hurts in haskell.
Somehow it required 2 different basic cases - [] and [0,0,0,0,0].
Ye and about first line. It just isn't here actually. Proceed from 2nd.

Last edit: 2010-11-07 09:06:49
2010-11-09 19:25:46 Ehor Nechiporenko
please describe or remove first line of input. There is no need in it.
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