MUL - Fast Multiplication

Multiply the given numbers.


n [the number of multiplications ≤ 1000]

l1 l2 [numbers to multiply (at most 10000 decimal digits each)]

Text grouped in [ ] does not appear in the input file.


The results of multiplications.


4 2
123 43
324 342
0 12
9999 12345


Warning: large Input/Output data, be careful with certain languages

Added by:Darek Dereniowski
Time limit:1.649s
Source limit:50000B
Memory limit:1536MB
Cluster: Cube (Intel G860)

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2014-05-13 18:20:42 Vyron Drosos
to Ahmed Malatawy : runtime error means something like stack overflow happened, maybe you use too much memory.All the input cases will be as described in Input,no need to handle anything else
2014-05-13 18:20:42 Ahmed Malatawy
Am i supposed to handle wrong input cases ? or even cases of inputting any type other than double ? I get a runtime error everytime
2014-05-13 18:20:42 :D
Is that a criticism there XilinX? Because I, for one, LOVE constant optimization.
2014-05-13 18:20:42 [Trichromatic] XilinX
@Ilyack: (1) You may try problem VFMUL. (2) Don't you think constant optimization is a tradition of SPOJ?
2014-05-13 18:20:42 Ilya Porulyov
10000 (digits) is too less to measure is it really fast.
Well-coded \theta(n^2) algorithm is accepted. And technically non-efficiently coded but correct in asymptotics O(n^{\log_2{3}}) Karatsuba is non-accepted due to time overflow.
2014-05-13 18:20:42 johnLate
If you have trouble with MUL, try TMUL first.
2014-05-13 18:20:42 numerix
@jeshar: What do you think is the reason that there is no AC Python solution among the 1721 AC submissions so far?
2014-05-13 18:20:42 rajesh
i am always getting nzec when i upload in python.can anyone tell me about this?
2014-05-13 18:20:42 aparna
Even though I used BufferedReader I ended up getting TLE

Last edit: 2011-05-26 09:57:10
2014-05-13 18:20:42 Rashmi
My program produces the correct output for the sample input you have given, but why it still says its wrong answer when I submit my code?
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