NICEBTRE - Nice Binary Trees

Binary trees can sometimes be very difficult to work with. Fortunately, there is a class of trees with some really nice properties. A rooted binary tree is called “nice”, if every node is either a leaf, or has exactly two children.

For example, the following tree is nice,

nice tree

but the following tree is not.

not a nice binary tree

The leaves of a nice binary tree are labeled by the letter ‘l’, and other nodes are labeled by the letter ‘n’.

Given the pre-order traversal of a nice binary tree, you are required to find the depth of the tree.


  1. The depth of a tree is defined as the length of the longest path with one end at the root.
  2. The pre-order traversal of the tree in the first image above produces the string “nlnnlll”.


The first line contains the number of test cases T. T lines follow. Each line contains a string, which represents the pre-order traversal of a “nice” binary tree. Leaves are represented by the letter ‘l’ and other nodes by the letter ‘n’. The input is guaranteed to be the preorder traversal of a nice binary tree.


Output one line for each test case, containing a single integer, the depth of tree.


0 < T < 20

Length of the input string in each test case is at most 10000.




Added by:Anil Shanbhag
Time limit:1s
Source limit:50000B
Memory limit:1536MB
Cluster: Cube (Intel G860)
Languages:All except: ASM64

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2014-07-02 14:43:58 vikrant
Recursion :)
2014-06-05 09:07:24 heatOn
Nice One :)
2014-05-18 10:00:19 Saurav Shekhar
I am unable to see the images. Maybe because they are not there at the original page anymore. @problem setter please see to it. You can use the images hosted at this link
--ans(Francky)--> I can do it. Done.

Last edit: 2014-05-18 10:51:29
2014-04-21 16:48:49 sarelfeniel
Great problem. Nice and easy but still satisfying.
2014-02-19 09:04:03 codestorm
2014-01-22 14:51:41 Piyush Raman Srivastava
common interview question!!
2013-12-23 14:50:16 Anant Kumar
nice one.
2013-12-23 10:26:35 Ashwini
giving all answers right in my pc. why wa here??????????
any tricky test cases?
Help me....

Last edit: 2023-05-22 13:44:39
2013-10-26 12:39:31 prudhvi
Easy one but before attempting check the definition of pre-order traversal
2013-10-19 20:52:06 Prakhar Gupta
WA after running(5), any tricky cases???
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