Dr. Sheldon Cooper builds a MVPD replication of himself which he calls a "Mobile Virtual Presence Device" (MVPD) that would go through all the hazards of life that he would otherwise have to experience while he stays behind in a "secure, undisclosed location". Now the MVPD is initially standing at the origin of the Cartesian coordinate system, (0, 0). (More like Sheldon's spot (0, 0, 0, 0)). Then the MVPD makes N turns:

  • On the first turn, the MVPD goes 1 unit to the right.
  • On the second turn, the MVPD goes 2 units up.
  • On the third turn, the MVPD goes 3 units to the left.
  • On the fourth turn, the MVPD goes 4 units down.
  • On the fifth turn, the MVPD goes 5 units to the right.
  • And so on.

Given an integer N, find the position of Sheldon's MVPD so that he won't get lost somewhere.

Input Format

The first line contains a single integer, T, denoting the number of test cases.

For each test case, a single line contains a single integer - the value of N.

Output format:

For each test case output a single line, containing two integers - the coordinates of the MVPD after performing N turns.


1 ≤ T ≤ 100.

1 ≤ N ≤ 109.



-2 2
-2 -2

Added by:mombassa
Time limit:1s
Source limit:50000B
Memory limit:1536MB
Cluster: Cube (Intel G860)
Languages:All except: ASM64 GOSU JS-MONKEY

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2016-02-21 09:17:24
hahah..easy Q...AC in 1 Go...:D
2016-02-21 08:14:22 Siddharth Singh
Easy , AC In 1 Go :)
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