NOVICE55 - Grid painting


Aayush an Akash now want to try a game which involve painting. First of all they take an empty grid of size 1*N (1 into N).
Initially none of the cell is painted. Now they take their turn one by one with Aayush taking the first move.
in each turn a player must select two consecutive unpainted cells and paint both of them.
Whoever is unable to paint in his turn loose the game. 

Aayush an Akash now want to try a game which involve painting. First of all they take an empty grid of size 1*N (1 cross N). Initially none of the cell is painted. Now they take their turn one by one with Aayush taking the first move. In each turn a player must select two consecutive unpainted cells and paint both of them. Whoever is unable to paint in his turn loose the game. 


First line contains T (1<=T<=10000), the number of test cases.  Following T lines contain 1 integer each, the value of 1<=N<=10000.


For each test case print "Aayush" if Aayush wins else print "Akash".




Added by:Mahesh Chandra Sharma
Time limit:1s
Source limit:50000B
Memory limit:1536MB
Cluster: Cube (Intel G860)
Languages:All except: ASM64
Resource:Own problem

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2020-03-06 22:44:42
Not an easy problem, but there's a very similar one in Classical.
==(francky.spoj)==> you have all you need in classical. If not, you could always (re-)submit a problem of mine, including a comment in your code with your mail, and a new comment in the description in order to alert me... Please.

Last edit: 2020-03-09 09:43:43
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