ONP - Transform the Expression

Transform the algebraic expression with brackets into RPN form (Reverse Polish Notation). Two-argument operators: +, -, *, /, ^ (priority from the lowest to the highest), brackets ( ). Operands: only letters: a, b ... z. Assume that there is only one RPN form (no expressions like a*b*c).


t [the number of expressions <= 100]
expression [length <= 400]
[other expressions]

Text grouped in [ ] does not appear in the input file.


The expressions in RPN form, one per line.




Added by:mima
Time limit:5s
Source limit:50000B
Memory limit:1536MB
Cluster: Cube (Intel G860)
Languages:All except: NODEJS PERL6 VB.NET

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2015-10-03 12:01:25
how if the input is (a-(b*c)-w-(l-(d-e)*(f+g)+h)^(i*(j-k)/p)) ??
whats is the correct answer?
2015-09-27 09:25:26
finally after 7 submissions made my day :D
2015-09-26 18:27:46
Please not that in the question it has been specified, that this a two argument operations inside a bracket, so cases like (a^b + c) don't arise, hence priority of operators doesn't matter
2015-09-23 19:26:37
Priority of operators is of none importance as the infix expression is completely under brackets !
2015-09-05 19:43:09
my code is getting runtime error here. It works fine in other IDEs my code id :15070253
2015-08-10 11:17:21 Amritendu Mondal
I didn't use stack but a tree to store the expression. Good problem , happy to solve this type.
2015-08-08 09:48:11 gaurav
Are there any boundary conditions we need to check for?
I have not included the operator precedence, however have tested the solution for a range of expressions and it gives the right answer. SPOJ says its wrong. Are there any conditions I need to check for ? Could someone give me example cases?
2015-08-05 11:46:31 MishThi
Taught me about how stacks function. A great problem for beginners to learn about Stacks. Also, my 49th. :D
2015-08-01 07:18:47
if the input was (a+b^c) , the output should be abc^+ ? true or not? need explanation for several test case
2015-07-19 23:45:01
Use stack, and don't forget to format the output the right way. GG :-)
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