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PRIME1 - Prime Generator |
Peter wants to generate some prime numbers for his cryptosystem. Help him! Your task is to generate all prime numbers between two given numbers!
The input begins with the number t of test cases in a single line (t ≤ 10). In each of the next t lines there are two numbers m and n (1 ≤ m ≤ n ≤ 1000000000, n-m ≤ 100000) separated by a space.
For every test case print all prime numbers p such that m <= p <= n, one number per line, test cases separated by an empty line.
Input: 2 1 10 3 5 Output: 2 3 5 7 3 5Warning: large Input/Output data, be careful with certain languages (though most should be OK if the algorithm is well designed)
After cluster change, please consider PRINT as a more challenging problem.Added by: | Adam Dzedzej |
Date: | 2004-05-01 |
Time limit: | 6s |
Source limit: | 50000B |
Memory limit: | 1536MB |
Cluster: | Cube (Intel G860) |
Languages: | All except: NODEJS PERL6 |
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2013-03-13 22:12:29 Hazem
please help me when i solve by sieve give me java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space |
2013-03-13 22:12:29 Vimeet Gautam
Thnx Sir for your help @Michael T |
2013-03-13 22:12:29 Michael T
@Alexey: So hard to check? Read input and do nothing - you should get WA. |
2013-03-13 22:12:29 Alexey
@admins Are you sure you have exactly t lines after integer t? Having runtime, input reading is the ony vulnarable place |
2013-03-13 22:12:29 Michael T
@Vimeet: Runtime means compiling went OK and it breaks while running. |
2013-03-13 22:12:29 Vimeet Gautam
My Program runs in gcc compiler but compiling in SPOJ it gives a runtime error NZEC please any body solve my problem |
2013-03-13 22:12:29 hemezh
@Botta: have a look on |
2013-03-13 22:12:29 Giovanni Botta
Really struggling with this one. @Rakib: I think that's the way to go for Erathostenes sieve, but I can't figure out how to properly index the integer into a bitset, that is, how given a number you can find its corresponding bit in the array of chars (or 32 bit integer) without being forced to perform modulo operations. I'm sure there is a way but my discrete math skill is not good enough to figure it out. By the way, if one chooses a 32 bit word, the prime numbers will have the form: 120n+1, 120n+7, ..., 120n+31, ... etc. |
2013-03-13 22:12:29 David Winiecki
Diogo's second comment about the Sieve was really helpful. I can't believe how effective that one change was. |
2013-03-13 22:12:29 Mukul
I think this problem should be solve using Sieve algorithm, otherwise you will get TLE as i got. |