You asked the trainee to make a program to generate bingo cards randomly. The trainee said he knew the bingo rules and dismissed your explanations.

Guess what was the outcome of such hurry? The trainee simply generated 24 distinct random numbers (in the interval [1, 75] for each card, without respecting the interval each number belonged to (B → [1, 15], I → [16, 30], ...)).

You decided to create a program to judge the cards generated by the trainee’s program.


Each test case contains a single line with 24 space separated integers. For the card in the image, the input would be the sequence: 15, 28, 36, 49, 65, 13 ... 53, 69. The input ends with EOF.


For each analyzed card print a single line containing one of the three possible verdicts: “OK” if the card is valid or “RECICLAVEL” if it is possible to find some permutation that would make the card valid or “DESCARTAVEL” in case such permutation doesn’t exist.

Example 1

15 28 36 49 65 13 22 45 59 72 1 20 47 71 6 19 43 56 75 5 29 31 53 69
69 28 36 49 65 13 22 45 59 72 1 20 47 71 6 19 43 56 75 5 29 31 53 15
15 28 36 49 65 13 22 45 59 72 1 20 41 71 6 19 43 56 75 5 29 31 53 69


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