SNGCP - Count Primes

Let num(num >= 0) is a positive integer or zero. We can represent num in the following two forms if it is possible to do so -
1. num = n2 + 2 * n, for non-negative integer n
2. num = m2 - 2 * m, for non-negative integer m

Suppose there is num that can be represented in both the forms. Consider this type of number as a magic number. Consider the following 5 cases -
1. n is the only prime.
2. m is the only prime.
3. n and m both are primes.
4. n is prime.
5. m is prime.


First line of input is t, total number of test cases. For each test case the first line is q, total number of queries. Then there will be (2 * q) lines. First line contains c (referring to case mentioned in the problem description) and second line contains two integers a and b defining the range [a, b] for magic number.
t < 1001
q < 5001
0 < c < 6
minimum_value_of_a = 0
maximum_value_of_b = 106


For every test case, that has q queries, the output has (q + 1) lines. First line will be simply printing the test case number and then q lines will be printing total number of magic numbers in the given range [a, b] under the specific case mentioned in input.


5 20
1 30
10 18
1 10
1 10
Output: Test Case :#1:
Query :#1: 1
Query :#2: 1
Query :#3: 1

Test Case :#2:
Query :#1: 1
Query :#2: 1

Added by:AvmnuSng
Time limit:0.100s
Source limit:50000B
Memory limit:1536MB
Cluster: Cube (Intel G860)
Languages:All except: ASM64
Resource:Abhimanyu Singh
My Problems

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2020-04-09 22:11:56 David
Additional time required for Java to solve the problem. Start up time for the JVM is more than the allowed time limit. This probably also occurs for interpreted languages.
2016-03-26 11:06:12 Scape
Lame problem
2016-01-18 22:39:31
Can confirm what Andrey said... beware of a>b.
2013-12-04 14:55:31 AvmnuSng
@NIK : you need to check arrays, you are using to store values, again. Just correct entries in arrays then AC is no where :)
2013-12-04 13:00:06 NIK
Plz check ID:10589357
I'm getting wrong answer ,but can't find it even after rigorous debugging.Plz help.

Last edit: 2013-12-04 19:49:33
2013-12-01 08:42:51 Andrey Maksimenko
It is not clear, what is the answer for input:
0 0
0 0

because 0 = 0^2-0*0 = 2^2-2*2, so m could be prime, and could be not prime for num=0.

My AC code gives answer "1" for both, so you may assume that for num=0 => m=2.
Also there are strange test cases, where b<a, and you should output 0.

Last edit: 2013-12-01 08:53:51
2013-11-21 06:41:20 (^_^)
can someone provide me more test cases I am getting wrong answer again and again
0 1000000
0 1000000
0 1000000
2013-11-16 11:22:42 mehmetin
You should consider 0 as a magic number. Problem description is wrong, it should say something like "Let num (num>=0) is a positive or zero integer" in the first line of description. It shouldn't be too hard for the problem setter to change it.

Last edit: 2013-10-19 16:20:40
2013-11-16 11:22:42 Piyush Kumar
What about 0? First line says num>0, and at the bottom it says minimum_value_of_a = 0.

Last edit: 2013-10-18 20:22:12
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