SUBST1 - New Distinct Substrings

Given a string, we need to find the total number of its distinct substrings.


T- number of test cases. T<=20; Each test case consists of one string, whose length is <= 50000


For each test case output one number saying the number of distinct substrings.




Added by:Hoang Hong Quan
Time limit:1s
Source limit:50000B
Memory limit:1536MB
Cluster: Cube (Intel G860)
Languages:All except: NODEJS PERL6 VB.NET
Resource:Base on a problem in ByteCode06

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2015-06-11 19:29:20 eightnoteight
O(n*log^2(n)) with out using IO optimization got AC..
2015-06-10 10:07:03 Martin Radev
Note that the symbols in the input are not only in A...Z.
Suffix tree is fast enough using McCreight's construction algorithm.
2015-05-25 16:02:44 Manoj Kumar Regar
oh gosh! n^2 logn ... naive solution got accepted in 0.06.....
2015-05-18 10:04:04
for this problem could you use tries?
2015-05-04 08:37:35 Crazyxx
SAM 0.08s & 42M XD
2015-04-20 08:09:17 Sourabh Bansal
Suffix Array O(n lg^2(n)) AC .... 0.07 s :)
2015-02-03 06:54:35 mkrjn99
nlog^2(n): TLE
nlogn: AC
2015-02-01 12:30:10 Rishit Sanmukhani
Got AC :) Nice question.
n(logn)^2 doesn't pass. We have to make it nlogn. Used counting sort.
2015-01-17 17:51:46 Anmol Pandey
O(n*log(n)^2) is AC.
2015-01-06 00:13:36 Rodrigo Horruitiner
Actually, the O(n) construction isn't much faster than the O(n*logn*logn) one, if at all. The skew algorithm has big constants because of the recursion and the radix sort. Just optimize your code.
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