UCV2013I - Tambourine

Little HH loves tambourines. He loves them so much that now he wants to build them. A tambourine is a musical instrument shown in Figure 1(a). As you can see in Figure 1(b) the tambourine is just a big circle of radius R with N smaller circles of radius r (r < R).


Figure 2: (a) A tambourine. (b) The radius of the circles is shown. (c) There is a 2N sides regular polygon inscribed in the outer circle

HH knows the radius of the small circles (r), he also knows the number of small circles that he has (N). And he knows that the small circles should be centered on the center of the even sides of a 2N sides regular polygon inscribed in the big circle (the sides of this polygon each measuring 2r), as shown on Figure 1(c). Now HH wants you to help him find the radius R of the big circle.


The input contains several test cases. Each test case consists of two values r and N as described previously. (0 < r ≤ 100), (2 ≤ N ≤ 10000).

The end of input is indicated by a test case with r = N = 0.


For each test case you must print a number (rounded up to two decimal places) showing the radius of the big circle to build the tambourine.


1 4
2 4
1 8
0 0 Output: 2.61

Added by:Hector Navarro
Time limit:1s
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Memory limit:1536MB
Cluster: Cube (Intel G860)
Languages:All except: ASM64
Resource:Local UCV 2013. Héctor Navarro

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2013-07-26 02:37:54 Alien
very easy
2013-07-25 16:19:20 Hector Navarro
The reason why the problem is not moved to tutorial is because it was part of a contest and I would like it to remain together. I think there are lots of classic problems that are as easy as this one
2013-07-25 16:17:40 Hector Navarro
@Michelangelo: corrected, thanks
2013-07-25 16:17:10 Vipul Pandey
little bit of 10th standard maths and that all.
2013-07-25 16:17:10 Rudradeep Mukherjee
@prateek kumar nischal: thanks for the value of PI !
Though, it feels great after solving the problem, it will do good if it is moved to tutorial. :)
2013-07-25 16:17:10 Hamim Raavi
@problemsetter: Take note that the radius of the smaller circle is r, then sides of the polygon should be 2r (in the prob it is mentioned as r). Please rectify it.
BTW, its my 50th on SPOJ... loved it
2013-07-25 16:17:10 Rocker3011
i sincerely hate all the comments below this one
2013-07-25 16:17:10 Ouditchya Sinha
Too easy, Tutorial Please!
2013-07-25 16:17:10 pika_pika
move to tutorial.
took pi as 3.14159265358979 and used double
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