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WEIGHT - Weighted Sum |
You are given N integers, A[1] to A[N]. You have to assign weights to these integers such that their weighted sum is maximized. The weights should satisfy the following conditions :
- Each weight should be a positive integer.
- W[1] = 1
- W[i] should be in the range [2, W[i-1] + 1] for i > 1
Weighted sum is defined as S = A[1] × W[1] + A[2] × W[2] + ... + A[N] × W[N]
There are multiple test cases.
First line contains the number of test cases
Each test case consists of a single line containing N.
This is followed by N lines, each containing A[i]
For each test case, output one line - the maximum weighted sum.
Output: 6
The weights are 1, 2, 3, 2.Constraints
N ≤ 106
| A[i] | ≤ 106
Total number of test cases is around 10.
Added by: | Kunal Jain |
Date: | 2011-02-07 |
Time limit: | 1s |
Source limit: | 50000B |
Memory limit: | 1536MB |
Cluster: | Cube (Intel G860) |
Languages: | All except: ASM64 |
Resource: | CodeCraft 11 |
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2019-04-18 01:40:59 DK...
The solution is more clear reversing the array |
2016-07-27 17:15:11
@Shahbaz Khan Thanks, your commment helped.I almost gave up on finding a bug in my solution. |
2016-02-19 12:10:33 ayush sinha
please explain o(n) approach a bit not getting |
2015-08-28 13:07:54 Sreejato Bhattacharya
Nice problem! @Peter (**MAJOR SPOILER**): No matter what the sign of a[i] is, in the optimal solution weight[i] is either weight[i-1]+1 or 2-- it's easy to see why. :) Last edit: 2015-08-28 13:43:19 |
2015-07-07 00:18:46 Saksham
think of kadane |
2014-10-25 18:55:26 Petar Nyagolov
Can someone tell me how to solve it in O(n), please? |
2014-10-25 15:38:41 Archit Jain
working for all the test cases specified in the comment and the forum still wa plz help |
2014-10-02 07:07:48 ISHANI
awesome problem.No need for DP. |
2014-09-14 20:09:59 kp
Even with o(n) TLE..any suggestions?? |
2014-08-06 00:23:46 Shahbaz Khan
I got an O(n) solution, seems to be valid on all given and commented test cases. But still WA? And it does not need Fast IO. Am I doing it wrong? AC finally. Trivial mistake (long long = int*int prob) :) Last edit: 2014-08-06 00:41:23 |