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Given n, and m, find the smallest k such that:
- n divides lcm(m, k);
- m divides lcm(n, k).
Even if there are no Galactic Wars, you are still a Martian. Just do it.
First line contains a single integer T, denoting the number of test cases.
T lines containing space separated integers: m and n.
Output T lines each containing the smallest k that satisfies the problem.
1 ≤ T ≤ 2000
1 ≤ m, n < 231
Input: 1 3 4 Output: 12
Added by: | triveni |
Date: | 2014-03-30 |
Time limit: | 1s |
Source limit: | 50000B |
Memory limit: | 1536MB |
Cluster: | Cube (Intel G860) |
Languages: | All except: ASM64 |
Resource: | ACA judge IITK, WPC5 |
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2023-08-05 14:58:12
@light_az help me |
2023-08-05 14:57:09
<snip> In fact,the answer is only the lcm(n,m)/(n,m的公共只因数 look this link->,you may know what is 只因数) [Simes]: don't post source code here. Last edit: 2023-08-05 19:56:10 |
2018-01-04 21:44:17
INPUT: 2 30 18 340 230 OUTPUT: 45 1564 |
2016-09-25 17:18:04 Devil D
@Lakshman i am not sure why 340, 230 should give 1564 and not 782. |
2016-08-07 02:54:04
Interesting! You can't calculate only lcm(m, n). Because if m=10 and n=6, the answer is 15. |
2016-05-18 17:01:41 Dewang Sultania
Nice problem my 100th :) |
2016-05-08 19:12:22 poojan
0.0 AC felling happy! |
2015-07-01 19:50:12 Bhuvnesh Jain
brute force works |
2015-06-01 08:47:38 Akshat Mathur
Good Problem...............AC in one go :) |
2015-05-15 21:45:15 lucky
@Lakshman why is 782 wrong? |