list of basics problems

38669    Nhap Mang Va Tim Min AR2MIN 26 57.78
38670    Nhap Mang Va Tinh Tong AR2SUM 38 80.85
38671    Book (Struct) AR2BOOK 51 43.07
38672    Books (Struct) ARBOOK2 24 37.21
38673    Employee (Struct) AREMPLOYEE 47 36.43
38674    Employees (Struct) AR2EMPLOYEES 27 47.06
39925    Suma de Numeros SIS110G401 1 6.67
40095    ICPC THR18A 9 52.63
40096    Chaarshanbegaan at Cafebazaar THR18B 12 56.00
40393    Denver and Emma DNEQ 191 42.98
40400    Count Set Bits CSETB 397 50.18
40500    simple palindromes FIZBBZIF 7 21.74
40506    Eratosthenes Prime numbers SIOENES 160 40.35
40512    Kevin likes array KVAR 46 52.83
40539    Star Justify STARJUST 7 41.18
40540    Clock hands on a different planet ALIENCLK 47 24.92
40541    Patio paving slabs PATIOSLB 12 52.17
40542    Factorising odd numbers FCTORISE 5 55.56
40543    Timing Morse TIMORSE 7 60.00
40544    Ascii Art Darkness Calculator AARTDARK 10 51.72
40546    Cinema seating, covid 19 version CINECOVI 43 32.24
40547    Tiebreaker TIEBRKR 18 64.29
40685    Fun With Fibonacci DCP 150 21.43
40738    Pavement Blood PAVEMENT 8 54.55
40739    Pan-da PANANDDA 10 31.43
40745    Finishing Your Math Exam MATHEXAM 6 20.59
40746    Panda PPAANNDD 23 28.38
40749    Fizz-fizz FIZZFIZZ 26 26.02
40751    Ultra-even ULTREVEN 31 66.04
40752    Vaccine Priority VACCINEP 6 50.00
40753    Add To Even (Part A) ADDEVENA 49 20.52
40754    Add To Even (Part B) ADDEVENB 46 33.53
40821    Redirect REDIRECT 6 29.03
40853    Segsi Substrings SEGSI 7 30.43
40928    Pondo One PONDO1 4 14.29
40929    Pondo Two PONDO2 8 40.91
40930    Pondo Three PONDO3 13 36.78
40933    Pondowo Four PONDO4 12 51.61
41037    VIP VIP 15 34.09
41070    Bas1c and the game of sum BASICSUM 153 86.68
41108    Max and the kangaroo farm MAXROO 109 86.06
41137    Nam The Sheep Watcher SHEEPNAM 18 62.07
41245    Basic text manipulation 01 MANIP001 5 27.27
41276    Find the missing number FNDMSNG 0 0.00
41277    Find the missing number FNDMSNG1 24 42.42
41280    Masud and Layla love story MLLOVE 45 28.85
41372    Thanks for everything Kamol bhai! KAMOL 40 62.20
41434    Pondoro PONDORO 3 37.50
41436    Unwired UNWIRED 42 22.73
41437    Wired WIRED 13 73.68
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