list of challenge problems
270 | Digits of Pi | PIVAL | 5902 | 71.16 |
314 | Digits of e | EVAL | 3018 | 60.19 |
525 | Fractions Calculator | TFRACAL2 | 53 | 41.49 |
1416 | Electrification | ELC | 36 | 38.50 |
1558 | Math II | MATH2 | 36 | 73.24 |
2624 | JawBreaker Game | JAWB | 86 | 61.16 |
4246 | Place the Numbers II | PLCNUM2 | 544 | 66.41 |
5842 | Polybius square | POLYBIUS | 1029 | 59.24 |
6125 | Dos Date | DDATE | 791 | 55.83 |
6295 | Area Difference | SQDIFF | 388 | 44.61 |
7105 | Reverse the Input | REVINPUT | 546 | 34.56 |
8638 | Sum of Fibonacci numbers | FIBSUM | 135 | 72.81 |
8672 | Distributing the balls | BALLS | 26 | 32.73 |
8950 | Grid points | GRIDPNT | 44 | 57.73 |
11410 | Find New SPOJ Problems | FINDPROB | 8 | 42.66 |
12845 | Minimum knight moves Challenge | NAKANJC | 345 | 72.11 |
13366 | TWO KINGS | CONQUER | 17 | 62.42 |
26321 | God Number is 20 (Rubik) | GODNIS20 | 25 | 65.86 |
27840 | Seedlings | SEE | 34 | 74.94 |
27841 | Sabotage | SAB | 30 | 56.33 |