list of classical problems

10453    Spring Loaded SPRING 157 31.09
10454    Greens Land GREENLAN 96 28.21
10460    A function over factors IOPC1204 97 32.63
10461    The magical escape IOPC1205 32 53.33
10464    Reverse Engineering RE1 138 48.42
10465    One Theorem, One Year OTOY1 45 42.08
10466    Enough of analyzing, let’s play EALP1 250 44.98
10471    Aliens at the train, again! ALIEN2 812 44.92
10476    Fair bases IOPC1206 37 35.71
10477    GM plants IOPC1207 341 29.11
10500    Haybale stacking HAYBALE 3303 33.89
10502    Video game combos VIDEO 330 34.24
10506    Prendonians PRENDON 50 29.35
10507    Cheese-rolling World Cup CHEESE 54 33.50
10508    Buttons BTTNS 45 24.77
10509    Cards CRDS 13458 34.01
10510    Sorting Machine SRTMACH 25 45.45
10514    K12 - Building Construction KOPC12A 1928 25.79
10515    K12-Combinations KOPC12B 410 27.97
10517    K12-Generating Big Numbers II KOPC12D 73 46.15
10519    K12-Bored of Suffixes and Prefixes KOPC12G 92 42.91
10522    K12-OE Numbers KOPC12H 229 49.24
10537    Edit Distance Again EDIT 2536 42.10
10538    Derp DERP 55 38.04
10539    Bunnies BUNNIES 34 11.46
10547    Delivery Route DELIVER 50 19.68
10557    MINI IN DANGER!!! MINI 22 44.72
10565    Alice Sieve ALICESIE 5047 53.41
10568    Graph Cut GRAPHCUT 105 38.07
10570    Longest Common Substring LONGCS 791 29.01
10571    Soccer Challenge SOCCERCH 30 46.51
10572    Cheating on the contest CHEATCON 24 6.04
10573    Problem Offensive Strategy OFFSTRAT 69 24.47
10574    Soccer Ceremony SCCCER 19 39.44
10575    The Yellow Brick Road YELBRICK 1271 49.38
10576    Exclusive Security EXCLSEC 96 26.06
10579    Desrugenstein DESRUG 116 48.64
10581    Ball Stacking Again BALLSAG 151 31.26
10582    subarrays ARRAYSUB 9322 34.31
10585    Searching God SEAGOD 82 26.37
10586    Problems in Moria PROBMOR 29 28.70
10587    Enemies ENEM 35 34.07
10588    Portal PORTALUN 107 34.89
10589    King KING 65 27.94
10594    Decoding Number Stations with Dr Whooves PONY2 58 26.56
10605    Counting Formations FORMAT1 14 56.41
10606    Balanced Numbers BALNUM 540 26.70
10607    Delivery TWODEL 32 25.64
10608    Unique Strings UNICA 65 47.46
10611    Ranges RRANGE 169 19.44
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