list of classical problems

3251    Slink SLINK 15 44.44
3253    Electronic Document Security EDS 149 60.78
3254    Guard GUARD 14 51.72
3261    Race Against Time RACETIME 1088 24.58
3266    K-query KQUERY 5502 24.92
3267    D-query DQUERY 12839 27.93
3273    Order statistic set ORDERSET 3144 26.00
3305    Roman Patrollers SA04C 46 59.46
3306    Very Special Boxes SA04D 109 31.33
3307    Hex Tile Equations HEXTILE 35 42.45
3308    The Bridges of San Mochti BRIDGES2 64 54.40
3309    Bulletin Board BULLETIN 19 20.80
3310    Serial Numbers SERIALN 34 29.27
3314    Umnozak UMNOZAK 105 29.17
3322    Doubled Numbers DOUBLE 163 48.13
3347    Cestarine HIGHWAY 59 34.31
3359    Stack STACK 45 15.60
3360    Digital Image Recognition IMGREC2 27 9.07
3361    Cavli CAVLI 40 44.87
3362    Setnja SETNJA 242 21.27
3363    Svada SVADA 489 28.83
3372    Round Table ROUNDT 57 45.00
3373    Permutation Code PERMCODE 41 55.70
3374    Scavenger Hunt SCAVHUNT 1366 50.36
3375    Stamps STAMPS 13727 41.75
3376    Parking Lot PARKINGL 138 20.05
3377    A Bug’s Life BUGLIFE 15394 27.44
3379    String Shuffle SSHUFFLE 394 65.92
3380    Tourist TOURIST 1076 38.36
3381    Highways HIGHWAYS 4364 37.99
3382    Monster Trap MONSTER 27 22.44
3385    Yoda Goes Palindromic ! YODA 581 30.42
3387    Changing Maze CHMAZE 619 29.57
3388    Double Near Palindromes DNPALIN 448 34.01
3389    The Knights of the Round Circle KNIGHTSR 443 67.21
3390    Tribe Council TRIBE2 57 22.07
3393    Knot or Not NOTOKNOT 6 13.56
3394    Lagrange’s Four-Square Theorem LAGRANGE 529 45.92
3420    Falling Ice FALLINGI 7 24.14
3426    Ouroboros Snake OROSNAKE 81 52.59
3436    Histogram HIST2 1503 44.58
3442    The last digit LASTDIG 29541 26.92
3459    SkyScrapers CEPC08B 358 38.62
3461    Song Contest SONG 12 14.44
3462    The Skatepark´s New Ramps RAMP 10 32.65
3463    Robintron ROBIN 6 22.22
3464    Clock CLOCK1 49 35.35
3465    Drive through MegaCity DRIVE 23 25.16
3466    Another Longest Common Subsequence Problem CS 6 42.86
3476    Deposit DEPOSIT 232 38.86
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