list of classical problems

1881    Instruction Decoder ICODER 665 50.73
1960    Rectangles RECTANGL 164 16.40
1961    Roman Roads ROMANRDS 97 30.58
1962    Circles CIRCLES 57 19.46
1963    Image Projections IMGPROJ 104 32.61
1964    Tree cut MMCUT 145 37.66
1965    Set Cover SETCOV 25 12.42
1966    Ski Valley SKIVALL 114 18.90
2002    Random Number Generator RNG 97 42.09
2019    The Rolling Ball ROLLBALL 3 5.26
2022    Truth Or Lie TRUTHORL 102 22.46
2023    One Instruction Computer Simulator ONEINSTR 41 11.22
2031    Please help You-Know-Who YKH 35 32.89
2038    Rectangle Tiling TILING 112 40.75
2047    Stone Removing Game REMGAME 131 37.87
2050    Strange Billboard CERC07B 802 60.65
2051    Cell Phone CERC07C 159 31.34
2052    Hexagonal Parcels CERC07H 75 29.07
2053    Key Task CERC07K 1179 31.70
2054    Gates of Logic CERC07L 38 24.28
2055    Weird Numbers CERC07N 341 35.75
2056    Rectangular Polygon CERC07P 134 47.66
2058    Reaux! Sham! Beaux! CERC07R 660 32.89
2059    Robotic Sort CERC07S 666 32.41
2060    Tough Water Level CERC07W 34 26.34
2171    Ambiguous Codes AMCODES 81 38.46
2172    Ballroom Lights BALLIGHT 33 33.75
2173    Car Plates Competition CPC 254 41.56
2174    Drop the Triples DTT 116 29.73
2175    Emoticons EMOTICON 328 21.95
2176    Finding Seats FSEATS 220 14.85
2177    Galou is back! GALOU 223 31.13
2178    He is offside! OFFSIDE 8391 50.11
2179    ICPC Scoreboard ICPCS 175 29.30
2180    Justice League JLEAGUE 76 48.04
2317    Bracket Sequence LEXBRAC 51 22.78
2318    Overlapping Words WORDS 88 22.70
2319    Sequence BIGSEQ 216 28.03
2320    Manhattan DISTANCE 695 32.28
2321    Segments SEGMENTS 147 14.81
2322    Tree Game TREEGAME 323 43.34
2323    Broken Compass COMPASS 41 13.42
2324    Mario MARIOGAM 59 13.68
2325    String Distance STRDIST 210 21.18
2371    Another Longest Increasing Subsequence Problem LIS2 797 13.45
2412    Arranging Amplifiers ARRANGE 3239 27.35
2413    Building Beacons BUILD 40 32.58
2414    Calculate The Cost CCOST 336 22.26
2416    Distinct Subsequences DSUBSEQ 3720 36.28
2417    Eliminate The Enemies ENEMY 22 26.79
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