list of classical problems

4644    Proving Equivalences PMATRIX 194 28.33
4656    Cross Mountain Climb CCROSS 61 32.84
4657    Gas Wars GASWARS 139 35.32
4658    Help Hemant Verma HHEMANT 49 14.77
4666    Wireless WIRELESS 125 36.41
4667    Gremlins GREMLINS 52 28.15
4669    Cross Mountain Climb Extreme CCROSSX 33 23.33
4672    Yanu in Movie theatre FUNPROB 1691 45.06
4681    Twice TWICE 281 21.04
4717    Grid Points in a Triangle GPINTRI 97 46.48
4761    Strategy game HS09GAME 39 54.84
4784    Diophantine equation HS09EQ 149 39.96
4785    Starship HS09SHIP 10 28.80
4828    ZSequence ZSEQ 51 19.33
4839    Ant PA06ANT 191 39.10
4871    Bridge BRI 154 24.16
4881    Words on graphs AMBIG 103 11.39
4882    Counting in a DAG DAGCNT2 171 12.04
4908    Run-Length Mathematics RLM 718 41.07
4941    Integer Factorization (20 digits) FACT1 563 55.68
4942    Integer Factorization (15 digits) FACT0 3469 32.34
4948    Integer Factorization (29 digits) FACT2 102 15.52
4951    Bridges! More bridges! BRII 46 16.42
4987    Goal for Raúl GOALFR 543 29.99
4988    Madrids One Way Streets MOWS 196 28.68
4993    Traveling Salesman FAKETSP 1037 37.15
5010    Lost in Madrid LIM 189 31.15
5011    Library for Madrid LFM 55 42.17
5014    Crazy Receptionist CRAZYR 11 13.18
5015    Decode the Castanets CASTANET 32 40.19
5016    Guernica GUERNICA 19 51.06
5018    Street Gambler STRGAMB 26 43.55
5084    Discrete Math Problem GCD3 280 31.44
5091    Feline Olympics - Mouseball MBALL 594 39.17
5093    Pretty Functions PRETTY 39 24.21
5102    Mystic Craft MYSTIC 54 46.05
5103    Top 10 TOP10 41 16.26
5104    Spam Detection SPAMD 14 20.69
5107    Playing with Marbles TUTMRBL 787 23.59
5115    Two "Ways" SPHIWAY 63 14.95
5117    Wine trading in Gergovia GERGOVIA 5362 33.81
5120    Minimal Possible String MINSEQ 55 5.08
5128    Bomb the Bridge BOMB 38 28.57
5161    Factorial vs Power FACVSPOW 1116 26.16
5163    Tower of Vientiane VIENTIAN 92 40.20
5182    Double Sorting PAIRSORT 12 8.88
5196    Monotonous numbers MONONUM 610 47.83
5197    Differential Diagnosis DIFFDIAG 57 23.72
5240    Area of a Garden GARDENAR 1689 47.03
5271    A Coin Game XOINC 545 31.73
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