list of classical problems

11496    Just the distance RPLJ 15 10.76
11509    IPL - CRICKET TOURNAMENT IPL1 77 25.00
11515    I AM VERY BUSY BUSYMAN 8387 45.17
11516    VALIDATE THE MAZE MAKEMAZE 3088 32.08
11517    GAMING ARENA GAMARENA 58 39.30
11521    Dominant Strings DOMINST 71 34.51
11540    Training TRAIN07 19 43.14
11560    A Summatory PUCMM210 1624 25.92
11573    A Famous ICPC Team TEAM2 2033 37.63
11574    A Famous Stone Collector STONE2 122 35.42
11575    A Famous Equation EQ2 73 27.13
11576    A Famous King’s Trip TRIP2 21 9.79
11577    The Famous ICPC Team Again MEDIAN3 68 29.39
11578    A Famous City CITY2 777 30.88
11579    Two Famous Companies COMPANYS 207 21.00
11580    A Famous Game PRLGAME2 382 34.08
11582    A Famous Grid SPIRALGR 186 16.62
11601    With a Pit of Death DOJO 483 29.38
11603    Polynomial f(x) to Polynomial h(x) POLTOPOL 75 57.18
11604    The return of the Cake REBOUND 909 27.69
11613    Aho-Corasick Trie AHOCUR 48 10.40
11642    MAKESUM MAKESUM 105 34.69
11676    Counting diff-pairs CPAIR2 184 22.60
11707    Wrong directions WRONG 45 31.05
11712    Red Cross Hospital REDCROSS 18 24.10
11718    Boa viagem, Roim ROIM 70 16.16
11723    HELP ABHISHEK(version-II) COMPLEX2 34 58.18
11736    Prime Time PTIME 2156 48.48
11756    Teaming up for the competition PONY5 30 32.86
11769    Kind and gently RPLK 101 54.86
11770    Lifesavers RPLL 76 25.62
11771    Mountain Cave RPLM 16 8.51
11772    Negative Score RPLN 3397 34.26
11777    Easy Sequence! SEQAGAIN 153 25.64
11789    Aliens at the subway ALIEN3 67 17.03
11808    Max 2214 MAX2214 11 16.10
11813    Count weighted paths CNTPATHS 16 51.52
11814    Eko EKO 15456 26.58
11830    DOJO Corridor I DOJ1 28 39.93
11834    DOJO Corridor II DOJ2 21 33.54
11840    Sum of Squares with Segment Tree SEGSQRSS 2027 50.89
11848    Power with Combinatorics POWPOW 432 20.27
11851    Power with Combinatorics(HARD) POWPOW2 128 13.13
11871    Captain Qs Treasure FUKU11G 12 61.90
11873    Round Trip FUKU11J 8 9.57
11875    Jobs POSAO 353 38.65
11895    DONALDO DONALDO 507 24.83
11899    Queen Game PK11E 20 35.29
11900    Spelling Suggestion PK11F 4 20.00
11901    Paths in a Tree PK11I 18 32.14
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