list of classical problems

14329    Magic of the locker LOCKER 2469 19.33
14330    Power of Phi(medium) POWERPHI 158 31.10
14334    Evil Overlord Cypher DIXIE001 62 26.01
14387    Science SCIENCE 13 20.24
14441    Three Circle Problem (EASY) CIRCLE_E 1969 55.38
14443    Three Circle Problem (HARD) CIRCLE_H 47 29.88
14507    GAME2 AUTOMATA 97 25.78
14542    Pythagorean triples (medium) PYTRIP2 131 18.41
14543    Range Sum RANGESUM 973 38.01
14629    Play with Binary Numbers HAP01 496 39.92
14664    Shared cathetus (easy) CATHETEN 103 44.59
14665    Delta catheti (hard) DELTACAT 3 17.50
14697    Loop Expectation LOOPEXP 663 49.12
14700    Delta catheti II (Hard) DELTACA2 3 7.55
14742    Building Bridges(HARD) BRDGHRD 446 23.92
14751    Self Descriptive Number SELFDESN 42 57.29
14761    Almost-isosceles Pythagorean triple (easy) ALMISPY 64 41.65
14819    Permutation Generator PERMTGEN 27 38.10
14820    Return of the Digger RETDIG 11 19.48
14821    Traffic Lights TLIGHTS 43 55.10
14822    Battleships BSHIP 124 34.04
14823    Advanced Battleships ABSHIP 50 13.53
14830    The Codefather CFATHER 11 10.94
14831    Your Rank is Pure GCJPURE 98 48.49
14833    The Fox and the Wolf FOXWOLF 14 27.52
14834    Foxlings FOXLINGS 1166 28.52
14839    Boxdropper BOXD 17 34.34
14844    All Your Base GCJ1C09A 536 29.96
14845    Center of Mass GCJ1C09B 126 25.72
14846    Bribe the Prisoners GCJ1C09C 374 31.23
14848    Boxlings BOXLINGS 14 11.05
14856    Crazy Shopkeeper CRAZYSK 613 33.05
14858    digit count DIGCNT 39 23.51
14862    Union Laser ULASER 31 48.55
14864    Sales SALES 21 30.34
14871    STUDENTS AU7_5 432 47.76
14883    Box Factory GCJ121CC 15 37.78
14886    Matts Trip MATT 68 19.04
14887    Good Travels GOODA 498 28.86
14888    Good Predictions GOODB 1043 41.56
14889    Good Strategy GOODC 53 39.36
14890    Good Code GOODD 55 22.81
14891    Good Debugging GOODE 58 43.81
14892    Good Aim GOODF 36 30.89
14893    Good Inflation GOODG 189 28.35
14894    Good Celebration GOODH 24 21.39
14905    Zig when you zag ZIGZAG2 31 30.26
14923    King Graffs Defense GRAFFDEF 444 25.55
14924    King Graffs Tolls GRAFFTOL 31 40.00
14925    King Graffs Trip GRAFFTRI 24 21.26
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