list of classical problems

999    Generalized Matrioshkas MATRIOSH 413 32.45
1000    Equidivisions EQDIV 644 23.37
1001    Babylonian Roulette BROUL 657 50.10
1002    Uncle Jack UJ 2963 39.66
1003    Little Quilt QUILT 169 39.89
1004    Polygon Encoder POLYCODE 55 9.34
1021    Aibohphobia AIBOHP 10627 36.17
1022    Angels and Devils ANGELS 668 31.09
1024    Complete Chess Boards COMCB 529 54.71
1025    Fashion Shows FASHION 27674 46.38
1026    Favorite Dice FAVDICE 5321 63.64
1027    Fool the Police FPOLICE 1638 26.98
1028    Hubulullu HUBULLU 8217 58.75
1029    Matrix Summation MATSUM 3443 20.00
1030    Triple Fat Ladies EIGHTS 19093 51.76
1031    Up Subsequence UPSUB 727 32.58
1043    Can you answer these queries I GSS1 13651 18.65
1108    Card Trick CTRICK 2193 50.38
1110    Sudoku SUDOKU 463 38.67
1112    Number Steps NSTEPS 33876 43.16
1161    Tic-Tac-Toe ( I ) TOE1 3294 22.87
1162    Tic-Tac-Toe ( II ) TOE2 2351 30.36
1163    Java vs C ++ JAVAC 5510 22.86
1166    Dead Fraction DEADFR 316 23.24
1167    Move To Invert MINCOUNT 2447 31.77
1182    Sorted bit squence SORTBIT 292 42.04
1183    Accomodate the palace PALACE 547 52.42
1267    Origin of Life ORIGLIFE 35 22.18
1268    CN Tower (Easy) CNEASY 1107 30.64
1269    CN Tower (Hard) CNHARD 23 11.74
1270    Paint By Numbers PNTBYNUM 21 20.96
1285    Continuous Fractions Again CFRAC2 370 41.66
1296    4 values whose sum is 0 SUMFOUR 5067 24.87
1325    Partial Sums PARTSUM 223 24.73
1326    A Chase In WonderLand CHASE 405 13.49
1329    Matrix KPMATRIX 410 17.21
1335    Maze KPMAZE 62 17.38
1391    Summing to a Square Prime CZ_PROB1 1417 54.07
1418    The Cats and the Mouse CATM 2966 33.68
1419    A Game with Numbers NGM 12010 61.54
1420    Geometry and a Square GEOM 269 33.99
1421    Goods FIRM 140 29.23
1431    Projections Of A Polygon KPPOLY 116 10.19
1433    The Sum KPSUM 281 17.05
1434    Equation KPEQU 415 33.18
1435    Vertex Cover PT07X 4058 34.11
1436    Is it a tree PT07Y 20612 35.22
1437    Longest path in a tree PT07Z 19470 39.12
1440    Use of Function Arctan ARCTAN 533 29.06
1441    The Clever Typist CLEVER 34 9.63
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