list of classical problems

9386    Re-Arrange II MAIN112 270 44.49
9387    Special String MAIN113 1096 39.44
9430    The game of 31 GAME31 161 38.95
9433    Buzzwords BUZZW 76 35.89
9434    New Horizons NEWH 11 31.75
9440    To Add or to Multiply ADDMUL 15 14.71
9443    Trial of Doom YALOP 31 51.52
9444    Block Drop BLOCKDRO 24 43.02
9445    Attack of the Clones CLONES 26 50.85
9446    Shortest Circuit Evaluation SHORTCIR 28 45.90
9447    Genetics GENETICS 41 35.29
9448    Swarm of Polygons SWARM 36 35.59
9458    Ghosts having fun GHOSTS 207 11.77
9459    Connecting three towns (variation) THREETW1 52 24.60
9489    Johny Hates Math ANARC07J 21 16.92
9493    Advanced Fruits ADFRUITS 2237 37.44
9494    Just Add It ZSUM 6283 47.80
9503    Working in Beijing WORKB 641 49.17
9504    Paint on a Wall PAINTWAL 23 40.59
9505    Distinct Subtrees DSUBTREE 17 20.24
9506    Jimmy´s Travel Plan DIST2 17 39.69
9507    Mario and Mushrooms MARIO2 340 56.76
9508    Magic Bitwise AND Operation AND 103 12.59
9509    Shortest Path on a Cylinder CYLINDES 11 28.78
9510    Ads Proposal ADSPROP 65 25.17
9511    24-Puzzle PUZZLE24 23 23.14
9512    Bombing BOMB2 83 22.69
9513    Game TETRISGM 17 28.81
9515    Dwarven Sniper´s Hunting HUNT1 10 56.00
9516    XOR Equations XOREQ 14 18.07
9517    Unlock the Cellphone UNLOCK 11 26.88
9518    The Time of Day LCM 37 24.49
9519    Distinct Submatrices DSUBMTR 23 20.74
9520    Tanks TANKS 14 12.41
9525    Cipher CIPHERJ 100 21.21
9527    Department DEPARTJ 7 5.15
9528    Johns Trip JTRIP 15 29.03
9529    Maya Calendar MAYCA 216 30.05
9532    Transportation TRANSJ 17 24.05
9534    Turn on the lights JZPLIT 67 32.81
9535    Turn on the lights 2 JZPLIT2 23 37.08
9543    Dynamic Congruence Equation System DCES 10 68.97
9547    Counting d-pairs DPAIR 135 30.74
9569    Sum of Pairwise Products PAIRSUM 827 31.37
9570    Counting binary strings STRCOUNT 338 53.04
9576    Dynamic Graph Connectivity DYNACON2 300 37.49
9577    Dynamic Tree Connectivity DYNACON1 579 27.98
9587    The Prime conjecture PRIMEZUK 570 34.37
9636    A Canvas Building ACANVAS 66 19.12
9637    Black and White BANDW 2168 54.08
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