list of classical problems

16282    Horace and his primes TAP2013H 257 40.69
16283    Treasure Island TAP2013I 131 24.53
16284    Game of stones TAP2013J 102 57.50
16297    Sir and The ICC Ratings ICC 22 23.00
16300    Playing with isosceles triangle TRIISO 313 26.98
16307    Game of stones II GOSTONES 22 37.61
16381    Help Vishnu with his points RUMMY 11 41.30
16389    Play with Strings MY02 41 21.81
16409    Lopov LOPOV 307 28.37
16410    Organizator ORGNZ 75 34.80
16411    Slasticar SLAST 22 56.60
16480    Decrypt the message ! DCRYPT 1038 36.89
16482    Make them equal ! MKEQUAL 2113 52.81
16483    Lucky Cities LUCKY 31 17.35
16487    Update the array ! UPDATEIT 4913 38.62
16549    Query on a tree VI QTREE6 509 19.31
16554    Linearian Colony COLONY 850 42.80
16556    Triangle PEGS 59 47.87
16557    HTML Formatting FORMAT 30 19.89
16580    Query on a tree VII QTREE7 259 17.55
16607    Sweets IE1 139 31.36
16636    Journey IE2 50 22.43
16639    Endless Knight IE4 39 23.36
16686    Some Sums SOMESUMS 22 26.72
16696    Nadal vs Djokovic RAFANOLE 152 28.67
16716    Help Your Commander HELPCOMM 6 55.10
16758    Divisible by 6 and 9 SNGDIV69 122 37.97
16778    Sir and the Guitar CSHOWB 146 54.35
16809    Estimation EST 134 8.55
16956    Encoded Coordinates ENCODE 18 32.39
17002    Psycho Function PSYCHO2 73 36.99
17110    Black Widow Rings BWIDOW 2718 52.09
17112    Training Land of Fury NFURY 1382 47.81
17113    Finding the Tesserect TESSER 907 37.22
17123    Destroying the Weapon Warehouse IMBOX 126 38.21
17124    Chess Board of Avengers AVCHESS 33 42.95
17125    Thor vs Frost Giants TBATTLE 186 28.44
17128    Putnik PUTNIK 94 48.99
17143    Make Psycho PSYCHO3 224 24.94
17150    Palin Square PLSQUARE 113 31.76
17247    Digit Sum PR003004 3256 36.48
17258    Yungom HPREFIX 19 33.33
17261    Bank robbery BANKROB 246 29.25
17267    Alturas de NoMeAcuerdo ALTURAS 74 62.30
17302    Servers SERVS 161 29.04
17303    Board BOARD1 196 30.65
17309    Operation Bits OPBIT 412 57.86
17320    Guess The Number With Lies v3 GUESSN3 7 27.00
17382    Airplane Parking HFLY 17 31.17
17406    Cheating a Boolean Tree GCJ082A 113 35.28
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