list of classical problems

3305    Roman Patrollers SA04C 46 59.46
3306    Very Special Boxes SA04D 109 31.33
3314    Umnozak UMNOZAK 105 29.17
3347    Cestarine HIGHWAY 59 34.31
3374    Scavenger Hunt SCAVHUNT 1366 50.36
3375    Stamps STAMPS 13727 41.75
3376    Parking Lot PARKINGL 138 20.05
3385    Yoda Goes Palindromic ! YODA 581 30.42
3393    Knot or Not NOTOKNOT 6 13.56
3394    Lagrange’s Four-Square Theorem LAGRANGE 529 45.92
3412    Higgs Boson SAMER08H 48 18.93
3442    The last digit LASTDIG 29541 26.92
3464    Clock CLOCK1 49 35.35
3466    Another Longest Common Subsequence Problem CS 6 42.86
3543    Matrica MATRICA 53 39.38
3544    Binary Search Tree BST 595 20.75
3545    Najkraci NAJKRACI 181 28.80
3591    Patting Heads PATHEADS 647 35.18
3605    Minimum Rotations MINMOVE 908 19.03
3640    Hanoi Subway System Construction HNSUBWAY 32 41.75
3723    Snooker SNOOKER 446 50.05
3734    Periodni PERIODNI 562 36.38
3749    Subset Sums SUBSUMS 4060 26.35
3752    JEDNAKOST JEDNAKOS 595 18.40
3753    GONDOR GONDOR 380 53.04
3754    MAJMUN MAJMUN 72 44.29
3763    George GEORGE 522 52.42
3791    Street STREET 662 51.56
3877    Cvjetici CVJETICI 977 48.55
3882    Cijevi CIJEVI 258 37.67
3898    Even Palindrome PALDR 247 10.24
3931    Maximum Triangle Area MTRIAREA 281 29.22
3946    K-th Number MKTHNUM 5309 34.69
3953    Paid Roads MMINPAID 250 26.75
3961    Journey with Pigs MJOURNEY 130 42.94
3962    ELEVATOR II MELE2 99 42.96
3975    Most Servings Meal MKUHAR 350 26.37
3977    Police Query POLQUERY 293 16.98
4010    Chặt cây OPTCUT 8 39.13
4070    Two Professors TWOPROF 101 14.40
4103    Extend to Palindrome EPALIN 2398 29.82
4110    Fast Maximum Flow FASTFLOW 2844 34.18
4157    Domino DOMINO2 54 50.42
4164    A conjecture of Paul Erdős HS08PAUL 2246 44.04
4166    Four colors HS08FOUR 100 21.88
4168    Square-free integers SQFREE 658 44.55
4172    Multiplicative digital root DROOT 73 25.40
4176    A Knightly Pursuit KPURSUIT 63 27.56
4177    Herding HERDING 2709 35.23
4179    Temptation Island TEMPTISL 649 44.88
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