list of classical problems

1    Life, the Universe, and Everything TEST 216565 33.05
12    The Game of Master-Mind MMIND 756 46.63
13    Hotline HOTLINE 204 16.62
14    I-Keyboard IKEYB 1283 43.47
15    The Shortest Path SHPATH 7545 24.09
24    Small factorials FCTRL2 50091 29.64
31    Fast Multiplication MUL 8842 20.77
32    A Needle in the Haystack NHAY 11035 38.24
34    Run Away RUNAWAY 483 21.79
35    Equipment Box EQBOX 1310 14.56
36    Secret Code CODE1 545 36.13
37    The Proper Key PROPKEY 135 14.57
38    Labyrinth LABYR1 5306 25.76
39    Piggy-Bank PIGBANK 8117 35.46
40    Lifting the Stone STONE 1612 23.56
41    Play on Words WORDS1 3227 19.40
42    Adding Reversed Numbers ADDREV 78176 48.27
43    Copying Books BOOKS1 2764 25.59
44    Substitution Cipher SCYPHER 325 13.57
47    Skyscraper Floors SCRAPER 286 12.76
49    Hares and Foxes HAREFOX 107 7.62
50    Invitation Cards INCARDS 1733 42.92
51    Fake tournament TOUR 1799 27.25
55    Jasiek JASIEK 465 28.17
56    Dyzio DYZIO 1213 31.46
57    Supernumbers in a permutation SUPPER 1065 32.59
58    Crime at Piccadily Circus PICAD 640 13.95
60    The Gordian Dance DANCE 210 38.87
63    Square Brackets SQRBR 3854 56.84
64    Permutations PERMUT1 4321 51.97
65    Ball BALL1 152 35.05
66    Cross-country CRSCNTRY 4072 64.51
67    Cutting out CUTOUT 295 43.16
68    Expression EXPR1 163 30.09
69    Moulds MOULDS 132 35.78
70    Relations RELATS1 250 28.61
83    Bundling BUNDLE 52 40.41
84    Shortcut SHORTCUT 233 31.59
86    November Rain RAIN1 294 17.54
87    Football FOOTBALL 62 21.74
89    Hang or not to hang HANGLET 61 16.15
90    Minimizing maximizer MINIMAX 370 25.16
91    Two squares or not two squares TWOSQRS 6032 24.60
92    Cutting off Squares CUTSQRS 254 42.63
96    Shopping SHOP 3057 44.13
97    Party Schedule PARTY 8854 36.18
98    Dance Floor DFLOOR 718 40.30
99    Bus BUS 184 22.16
100    Tower of Babylon BABTWR 3061 50.50
101    Fishmonger FISHER 2299 38.11
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