list of classical problems

29458    Alphabetic Rope2 AROPE2 106 50.34
29461    Alphabetic Rope3 AROPE3 127 55.61
29695    GO GOA GONE ALCATRAZ2 840 24.48
30009    Game of MODs GMMOD 43 23.20
30116    Can you draw it or not? DRAWIT 194 38.53
30347    Runner Game NPC2016A 210 30.31
30349    Strange Waca NPC2016C 41 19.88
30351    Quest Hunter NPC2016E 10 18.18
30394    Prime is fun ARRPRM 81 34.41
30396    Easy GCD GCDEASY 87 30.75
30452    Moumita and Assignments MAS 67 13.27
30454    Luke vs. Darth Vader LVADER 219 22.16
30499    TWO STRINGS HARSTR 24 31.34
30669    Ada and Trip ADATRIP 890 30.44
30690    Ada and Nucleobase ADAMATCH 453 43.70
30691    Ada and Diary ADAHACK 56 17.85
30692    Ada and Rain II ADARAINB 118 50.33
30734    Ada and Orange Tree ADAORANG 371 23.43
30735    Ada and Island ADASEA 427 37.28
30737    Ada and Homework ADAHW 65 24.92
30738    Ada and Coins ADACOINS 757 30.88
30739    Ada and Manure ADADUNG 301 57.35
30755    Ada and GCD ADAGCD 436 21.75
30756    Ada and Numbering ADANUM 119 17.32
30757    Ada and Carrot ADACAROT 129 35.01
30759    Ada and Species ADACABAA 103 24.69
30760    Ada and Travelling Salesman ADASALES 180 27.04
30783    Ada and Cucumber ADAPICK 105 19.02
30785    Ada and Apple ADAAPPLE 180 23.75
30787    Ada and Aphids ADAAPHID 198 31.23
30827    THE LAST SHOT LASTSHOT 650 28.93
30828    Class Leader CLSLDR 192 12.94
30893    Sabbir and Game SABBIRGAME 781 34.32
30906    Ada and Unique Vegetable ADAUNIQ 406 34.72
30919    Sabbir and gcd problem GCDS 309 22.14
30922    Ada and Plum ADAVISIT 143 46.85
30944    Jerry and his cheese JERRY 30 31.16
30945    Non Coprime Sequences COPSEQ 20 21.08
30947    Sabbir and gifts SGIFT 354 31.96
30961    Non Coprime Sequences(Hard) COPSEQH 16 7.64
30973    Ada and Tomato ADATOMAT 54 17.74
31036    Ada and Mulberry ADABERRY 113 12.65
31040    Namit In Trouble NGIRL 776 23.42
31052    PLAYGAME PLAYGAME 684 43.81
31099    Ada and CAPTCHA ADAROBOT 173 17.09
31221    Zen And His Crush ZCR 397 68.03
31230    TV Schedule URJC2_A 78 52.87
31231    Playing Darts URJC2_B 30 30.65
31234    Stressful Activities URJC2_E 66 49.03
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