list of classical problems

18532    Tree _order TREEORD 1197 46.96
18598    Encode Message SNGMSG 866 63.49
18637    Lawrence of Arabia LAWRENCE 50 25.86
18660    Product of factorials (easy) FACTMULN 109 26.77
18662    Product of factorials (again) FACTMULO 76 35.49
18666    Radiation UVA1 31 18.65
18667    Product of factorials (hard) FACTMULP 42 26.61
18714    Can You Make It Empty 2 EMTY2 1318 29.16
18715    Boring Factorials (Reloaded) BORING 60 10.22
18799    Boring Factorials (Extended) BORING2 15 14.55
18829    Special Set SPEC_SET 117 27.36
18857    Gopi and Sandwich GOPI_SW 276 43.98
18878    Topper Rama Rao HLP_RAMS 1018 48.54
18905    Kapti and Balu NR1 38 32.65
18915    Anils Proposal ANIL_PRO 26 18.54
18917    Dukkar and Pikka DUKKAR 299 56.03
18932    Sum of primes (reverse mode) SUMPRIM2 21 17.44
18937    Touch of Venom VENOM 1399 23.24
18939    K-th smallest number KSMALL 211 13.86
18940    Face the mate FACENEMY 158 20.87
18941    True Friends TFRIENDS 972 51.25
18945    Car with powers POWERCAR 301 29.60
18963    Bhagat The Bit Man NR2 655 31.58
18964    Sum of subsequences BLSUMSEQ 23 24.58
18965    Milk Scheduling MSCHED 983 24.93
18966    Vacation Planning VACATION 137 25.67
19037    Magical colorful cats (easy) COLORCAT 20 20.10
19084    Huge Pascal triangle DUKKAR2 30 43.82
19125    Hexadecimal value of Pi PIHEX2 32 56.59
19133    Base Conversion BASECONV 9 15.60
19142    BSTRING INS14A 129 32.25
19143    TRISQRS INS14B 169 38.02
19144    Digo plays with Numbers INS14C 722 40.81
19145    Digo Needs Guns INS14D 189 52.27
19146    Glorious Gamblers INS14E 136 56.86
19147    Save CodeVillage INS14F 108 32.89
19148    Kill them All INS14G 115 22.74
19149    Virus Revisited INS14H 90 28.23
19150    Infinite Sequence INS14I 152 31.88
19151    Checkers INS14J 48 53.54
19152    Digo Goes Training INS14K 227 45.74
19153    Rooted Trees INS14L 40 21.43
19154    Terrorist Attack INS14M 17 37.39
19174    Khairy and Gold Alloys WAL3A 144 47.02
19216    Super Mario Revisited SMARIO 21 7.23
19224    Lights, Snakes and Cages CAGES 85 17.52
19274    Operators BLOPER 589 20.19
19288    Sword Game WPC5C 13 22.08
19290    Parade WPC5F 34 41.32
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