list of classical problems

3389    The Knights of the Round Circle KNIGHTSR 443 67.21
3390    Tribe Council TRIBE2 57 22.07
3393    Knot or Not NOTOKNOT 6 13.56
3394    Lagrange’s Four-Square Theorem LAGRANGE 529 45.92
3405    Almost Shortest Path SAMER08A 1666 31.59
3406    Bases SAMER08B 68 21.12
3407    Candy SAMER08C 1358 42.64
3408    DNA Sequences SAMER08D 1983 26.17
3409    Electricity SAMER08E 806 47.74
3410    Feynman SAMER08F 34171 57.51
3411    Pole Position SAMER08G 910 47.49
3412    Higgs Boson SAMER08H 48 18.93
3413    Traveling Shoemaker Problem SAMER08I 73 16.87
3414    Bora Bora SAMER08J 144 49.01
3415    Shrinking Polygons SAMER08K 231 18.92
3420    Falling Ice FALLINGI 7 24.14
3426    Ouroboros Snake OROSNAKE 81 52.59
3436    Histogram HIST2 1503 44.58
3442    The last digit LASTDIG 29542 26.92
3459    SkyScrapers CEPC08B 358 38.62
3461    Song Contest SONG 12 14.44
3462    The SkateparkĀ“s New Ramps RAMP 10 32.65
3463    Robintron ROBIN 6 22.22
3464    Clock CLOCK1 49 35.35
3465    Drive through MegaCity DRIVE 23 25.16
3466    Another Longest Common Subsequence Problem CS 6 42.86
3476    Deposit DEPOSIT 232 38.86
3477    Baby BABY 947 46.56
3482    Alias ALIAS 4 57.14
3483    Begin BEGIN 4 11.11
3484    Crossbits CROSSBIT 97 14.78
3485    Disputes DISPUTES 81 62.91
3486    Elimination ELIM 67 28.48
3488    The Top-Code TOPCODE 55 20.32
3490    Hidden Triangle HIDTRI 9 28.85
3492    Braille Transcription BRAILLE 10 12.32
3495    The Nobel Thief NBLTHIEF 6 38.10
3505    Prime Number Theorem CPRIME 1525 28.06
3533    Game on board BGAME 28 36.73
3543    Matrica MATRICA 53 39.38
3544    Binary Search Tree BST 595 20.75
3545    Najkraci NAJKRACI 181 28.80
3565    Choosing Gloves GLOVE 84 22.88
3576    Boy Scouts BOYSCOUT 140 27.92
3577    Parity PARITY 77 19.52
3578    Hashing HASH 39 11.76
3579    Disjoint Paths DISJPATH 312 20.65
3581    Tree Similarity TREESIM 25 48.63
3582    Restaurant Tab RSTAURNT 24 27.27
3587    Prime Again PAGAIN 845 16.32
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