list of classical problems

11933    DIAGONAL DIG 949 24.36
14858    digit count DIGCNT 39 23.51
35284    Digit Root DIGITROOT 102 35.85
7264    Digital LED Number DIGNUM 533 28.87
15849    Find the Treasure DIGOKEYS 594 23.50
41374    Digit Shifts DIGSHIFT 12 7.49
6035    Dinner DINGRP 155 27.03
37272    Dinostratus Matrices DINOMAT 6 67.35
6773    Dinostratus Numbers DINONUM 92 17.79
7187    Dinosaur Menace DINOSM 180 8.73
9    Direct Visibility DIRVS 255 11.82
13866    Discrete Roots DISCRT 297 52.49
34409    Disconnected country DISGRAPH 44 21.66
3579    Disjoint Paths DISJPATH 312 20.65
9938    Disney Fastpass DISNEY 33 24.12
3485    Disputes DISPUTES 81 62.91
3978    Distance Query DISQUERY 1740 32.51
8282    Distance DIST 50 25.08
9506    Jimmy´s Travel Plan DIST2 17 39.69
2320    Manhattan DISTANCE 695 32.27
10346    Streets of distortion DISTO 108 37.50
9985    Distance DISTX 61 24.14
694    Distinct Substrings DISUBSTR 5594 26.48
526    Divisors DIV 1694 43.59
416    Divisibility by 15 DIV15 1018 15.45
530    Divisors 2 DIV2 909 52.43
26073    Counting Divisors DIVCNT1 121 24.86
20173    Counting Divisors (square) DIVCNT2 434 21.70
20174    Counting Divisors (cube) DIVCNT3 359 34.78
34096    Counting Divisors (general) DIVCNTK 324 35.08
6576    Divide and Conquer DIVCON 56 15.82
20196    The Magical Bag DIVEQL 198 38.36
22403    Divisors of factorial DIVFACT 1928 29.73
22412    Divisors of factorial (hard) DIVFACT3 162 47.37
22549    Divisors of factorial (extreme) DIVFACT4 76 26.45
25867    Divisible Fibonacci Numbers DIVFIBS 205 25.56
27433    Divisible Fibonacci Numbers DIVFIBS2 27 29.15
10265    Subdivision of the kingdom DIVIDEKR 34 33.33
7623    Divisors VI DIVISER9 27 14.35
20172    Divisiblity by 3 DIVISION 583 30.55
3196    Divisibility Relation DIVREL 285 21.01
26527    DIVSEQ DIVSEQ 232 46.11
34501    Divisible Strings DIVSTR 213 28.42
1754    Divisor Summation (Hard) DIVSUM2 1171 15.53
10930    Dixon Dominoes DIXDOOM 17 24.44
14334    Evil Overlord Cypher DIXIE001 62 26.01
866    DNA Translation DNA 117 21.51
1776    DNA Laboratory DNALAB 110 11.20
35277    DNA of Elf DNAOFELF 13 26.09
3388    Double Near Palindromes DNPALIN 448 34.01
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