list of classical problems

28163    OR EXPOR 126 21.60
68    Expression EXPR1 163 30.09
4411    Counting Expressions EXPR3 29 42.47
4478    Counting Expressions II EXPR4 14 35.29
1683    Expressions EXPRESS 355 40.03
9788    Friends of Friends FACEFRND 7119 63.24
18940    Face the mate FACENEMY 158 20.87
4942    Integer Factorization (15 digits) FACT0 3453 32.33
4941    Integer Factorization (20 digits) FACT1 561 55.71
4948    Integer Factorization (29 digits) FACT2 102 15.52
10818    Medium Factorization FACTCG2 1714 14.20
26647    Factorial and divisorss FACTDIV 99 46.86
33046    Factorial Modulo Prime FACTMODP 29 18.62
15655    Product of factorials FACTMUL 1323 23.43
15671    Product of factorials (medium) FACTMULM 19 30.17
18660    Product of factorials (easy) FACTMULN 109 26.77
18662    Product of factorials (again) FACTMULO 76 35.49
18667    Product of factorials (hard) FACTMULP 42 26.61
4412    Factorization, Factorization, Factorization FACTOR1 52 41.28
5161    Factorial vs Power FACVSPOW 1116 26.16
19991    In case of failure FAILURE 119 40.11
2140    (un)Fair Play FAIRONOT 74 38.68
35337    Faketorial Hashing FAKEHASH 11 13.91
10084    Fake Scoreboard FAKESCOR 23 45.21
4993    Traveling Salesman FAKETSP 1037 37.15
3420    Falling Ice FALLINGI 7 24.14
7189    Falta Envido FALTAENV 179 37.52
115    Family FAMILY 72 12.10
17627    Family members FAMWEALT 426 59.98
10293    FANCY NUMBERS FANCY 1719 50.16
14930    Princess Farida FARIDA 12009 26.96
366    Farmer FARMER 265 16.94
1025    Fashion Shows FASHION 27675 46.38
11383    Fast Sum of two to an exponent FAST2 1052 30.11
4110    Fast Maximum Flow FASTFLOW 2844 34.18
8288    Fast Food Restaurant FASTFOOD 102 29.59
13223    The BrainFast Processing! Classical version FAST_BF 9 43.66
12714    Fatawy FATAWY 144 25.38
1026    Favorite Dice FAVDICE 5323 63.65
8409    Favorite Sub Hair FAVSUBS 95 41.55
9641    Factory of Bridges FBRIDGES 63 25.81
18522    Tours FBTOURS 22 13.10
18521    Fortunate Wheels FBWHEELS 7 64.00
4182    Candy (Again) FCANDY 226 18.42
1878    Farmers Cattle FCATTLE 57 37.62
25584    Factorial Modulo FCDC 409 24.98
5147    Fire-Control System FCSYS 31 18.97
13591    Factor y Hell FCTRHELL 9 23.91
11    Factorial FCTRL 58770 44.93
24    Small factorials FCTRL2 50092 29.64
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