list of classical problems

7150    Palindrome 2000 IOIPALIN 3211 27.27
10420    Hardware upgrade IOPC1200 53 32.43
10422    Rubiks cube IOPC1201 56 49.68
10437    Quadrilaterals IOPC1202 73 30.28
10438    Crazy texting IOPC1203 172 25.78
10460    A function over factors IOPC1204 97 32.63
10461    The magical escape IOPC1205 32 53.33
10476    Fair bases IOPC1206 37 35.71
10477    GM plants IOPC1207 341 29.11
11198    Ipad Testing IPAD 47 41.28
7239    Cells IPCELLS 76 45.45
11509    IPL - CRICKET TOURNAMENT IPL1 77 25.00
9950    IQ Team IQTEAM 37 41.59
20849    Interesting queries IQUERY 44 36.32
14122    Inverse of Recurrence Problem With a Square Root IRECSQRT 59 49.56
9943    Isabella Message ISAB 67 24.08
20846    Interesting Selection ISELECT 123 43.21
2274    Island Hopping ISLHOP 202 24.91
13809    ISRANK ISRANK 20 33.54
5637    LL and ErBao ISUN1 5 50.88
7356    Iterated Bitcount Function ITERBIT 35 16.95
11050    R Numbers ITRIX12E 255 55.72
8666    Maximum - Profit -- Version II ITRIX_C 92 43.40
8667    Board-Queries ITRIX_D 47 21.54
734    Ivan and his interesting game IVAN 228 34.45
10676    0110SS IWGBS 1755 40.96
10675    GENIJALAC IWGBST 46 50.52
4154    IZBORI IZBORI 36 24.54
13055    New Year Train IZHONYT 54 55.35
31755    Januarius, The Travelling Clairvoyant JAN 24 29.66
6187    Jane and Tarzan JANE 213 24.46
7427    Jara’s Legacy JARA 81 39.79
23969    Helping Jar Jar Binks JARJAR 77 21.28
55    Jasiek JASIEK 465 28.17
1163    Java vs C ++ JAVAC 5510 22.86
2422    Jazzy Job JAZZYJOB 62 35.19
34623    Jeremías y sus loros JBIRDS 268 68.93
26179    Windy Cannon JC15A 291 35.86
26180    Folding Stick JC15B 24 50.94
26181    Walking Jumper JC15C 5 28.57
26182    Perfect Superstring JC15D 11 64.71
26183    Laser Beam 2.0 JC15E 4 18.18
26184    Colorful Beads JC15F 36 36.22
3752    JEDNAKOST JEDNAKOS 595 18.40
30944    Jerry and his cheese JERRY 30 31.16
226    Jewelry and Fashion JEWELS 20 28.54
34011    Jalil Got TLE JGTLE 498 25.41
9944    Ji-Tu Problem JITU 14 11.28
2180    Justice League JLEAGUE 76 48.04
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