list of classical problems

9000    Bob and his new kite factory KITEPRBL 2 1.42
7805    Kitchen Robot KITROB 88 31.90
6408    Counting Triangles 2 KKKCT2 55 33.60
11267    Arnook Defensive Line KL11B 38 27.57
13362    Median of sub-sequences KMEDIAL 30 36.80
5609    Knight Moves KMOVES 98 40.23
481    Roots of polynomial KMSL4B 37 24.90
19954    Travelling Knight 2 KN2 16 13.77
13651    Check KNGCHECK 128 41.41
2878    Knights of the Round Table KNIGHTS 424 19.93
32271    KNIGHTS level testing KNIGHTSG 11 35.71
3389    The Knights of the Round Circle KNIGHTSR 443 67.21
10620    KNJIGE KNJIGE 1440 44.32
25015    Subsequences with modulo KNMD 59 20.90
27225    Knight Move KNMOVE 448 29.62
22804    Knapsack KNPSACK 52 29.33
8980    Cost KOICOST 1173 29.24
8985    Line up KOILINE 395 51.01
8982    Representatives KOIREP 426 31.14
7023    Cookies KOLACI 19 36.00
8434    Kolica KOLICA 61 38.00
10069    Kompići KOMPICI 804 69.10
37389    Weird Construction KONSTRAKSCHION 17 8.77
10514    K12 - Building Construction KOPC12A 1928 25.79
10515    K12-Combinations KOPC12B 410 27.97
10517    K12-Generating Big Numbers II KOPC12D 73 46.15
10519    K12-Bored of Suffixes and Prefixes KOPC12G 92 42.91
10522    K12-OE Numbers KOPC12H 229 49.24
13106    KOSARE KOSARE 306 48.89
13511    Determine the vismin value ! KOSPC13B 38 29.11
12880    Sheep KOZE 1831 45.66
2648    Archiver KPARCH 44 13.46
1434    Equation KPEQU 415 33.18
4060    A game with probability KPGAME 197 21.61
4420    Counting Graphs KPGRAPHS 58 34.93
1329    Matrix KPMATRIX 410 17.21
1335    Maze KPMAZE 62 17.38
34812    Kth Power Summation KPOWERSUM 54 16.64
1431    Projections Of A Polygon KPPOLY 116 10.19
6489    Finding the Kth Prime (Hard) KPRIMES2 82 10.08
26771    Almost Prime Numbers Again KPRIMESB 276 18.87
2649    Weird sorting KPSORT 58 26.10
1433    The Sum KPSUM 281 17.05
4176    A Knightly Pursuit KPURSUIT 63 27.56
3266    K-query KQUERY 5504 24.92
23776    K-Query Online KQUERYO 1917 40.25
4329    Counting K-Rectangle KRECT 387 30.01
2128    K-In-A-Row KROW 438 33.50
3832    Kruska KRUS 104 45.79
2154    Kruskal KRUSKAL 83 14.81
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