list of classical problems

9098    Long Common Subsequence LCS3 190 35.96
35672    Try to learn properly LDP 43 15.62
8326    Leaky containers LEAKCONT 31 41.84
4198    Lego LEGO 180 25.40
9161    Legendre symbol LEGRENDS 184 45.30
1473    Lemon Tree in the Moonlight LEMON 22 19.49
5917    Factorial length LENGFACT 3464 34.51
1843    Leonardo Notebook LEONARDO 362 33.99
2317    Bracket Sequence LEXBRAC 51 22.78
7561    Lexicographic position LEXIPOS 33 33.86
21083    Lexicographically Smallest LEXSTR 245 33.23
5011    Library for Madrid LFM 55 42.17
7488    LCM GCD Love LGLOVE 183 19.09
696    Truth or not LIAR 271 21.77
3004    Life Game LIFEGAME 69 33.94
14181    LIFE IS A RACE LIFERACE 11 32.86
280    Lifts LIFTS 43 17.38
9070    Lightning Conductor LIGHTIN 541 31.74
11274    Lights and Switches LIGHTPZ 56 32.68
10072    Lights LIGHTS2 60 47.17
10096    Lights (Extreme) LIGHTS3 55 30.25
5010    Lost in Madrid LIM 189 31.15
3006    Connect Line Segments LINE 75 25.59
12108    Linear Garden LINEGAR 69 34.35
1842    Lineland Airport LINELAND 32 18.87
3184    Game of Lines LINES 1304 27.71
6828    Lineup LINEUP 693 32.26
8558    Linear Equation Solver LINQSOLV 15 28.38
2371    Another Longest Increasing Subsequence Problem LIS2 797 13.46
4212    Another Longest Increasing Subsequence Problem LIS2VN 11 48.15
364    Pocket Money LISA 2240 38.53
27337    LIS and tree LISTREE 35 29.12
7259    Light Switching LITE 4414 33.31
186    The lightest language LITELANG 156 25.53
102    GX Light Pipeline Inc LITEPIPE 76 30.54
15259    Large Knapsack LKS 2248 25.94
7782    Largest Labeled Common Ancestor LLCA 204 61.73
6827    Last Minute Construction LMCONSTR 22 17.94
34624    Longest palindrome with no adjacent duplicates LNGPALN 88 30.84
35028    Long Tiling LNTILING 40 21.39
14329    Magic of the locker LOCKER 2469 19.33
10089    Locks and Keys LOCKKEY 17 33.75
406    Logic LOGIC 107 22.51
1687    Logic II LOGIC2 24 12.45
140    The Loner LONER 156 22.76
10570    Longest Common Substring LONGCS 791 29.01
14697    Loop Expectation LOOPEXP 663 49.12
16409    Lopov LOPOV 307 28.37
29452    Width of The Lost Box LOSTBOX 36 19.39
1456    The Secret of a Lost City LOSTCT 17 35.94
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