list of classical problems

13508    Madotsuki Pattern MDT1 9 43.48
32899    Mean of array MEANARR 173 31.80
10377    project groups MECGROUP 129 50.87
11577    The Famous ICPC Team Again MEDIAN3 68 29.39
25382    Meetings MEETINGS 13 31.51
32567    First to meet the spaceship MEETSHIP 31 12.76
7762    Electric Needs MELAR10 23 41.30
3962    ELEVATOR II MELE2 99 42.96
4181    MELE3 MELE3 611 42.58
1454    Memory Distribution MEMDIS 20 18.01
9974    Men From Mars MENMARS 22 39.66
388    Menu MENU 347 18.88
6895    Maximum Edge of Powers of Permutation MEPPERM 10 30.77
7403    Messy Administration MESS 9 35.00
10264    Meteors METEORS 1366 27.70
5300    Mexican Standoff MEXICAN 21 23.19
23350    Mineral Farm MFARM 16 23.97
4318    Catch Fish MFISH 493 32.84
7757    Flowers Flourish from France MFLAR10 3157 53.03
4052    Game MGAME1 75 33.70
9096    Bob and magical scale MGCSCLS 65 25.46
7758    Growing Strings MGLAR10 173 31.84
7759    Hyperactive Girl MHLAR10 106 39.75
4429    Spelling Lists MIB 178 31.84
1845    Mice and Maze MICEMAZE 5440 36.06
19899    Middle Earth MIDEARTH 46 12.14
8351    KOSARK MIDO 844 42.68
9832    Matrix inverse MIFF 87 60.45
7763    Ingenious Metro MILAR10 66 67.09
8324    Military patrol MILPATR 54 30.20
1167    Move To Invert MINCOUNT 2447 31.77
26703    All about Sorting! MINDIFF 83 41.55
2070    Minimum Distance MINDIST 81 16.84
5373    Four Mines MINES4 14 8.10
10557    MINI IN DANGER!!! MINI 22 44.72
90    Minimizing maximizer MINIMAX 370 25.16
3605    Minimum Rotations MINMOVE 908 19.03
16034    Minimum Number MINNUM 491 16.05
5120    Minimal Possible String MINSEQ 55 5.08
35276    Smallest on the Stack MINSTACK 891 15.12
34875    Minimum Stocks MINSTOCK 636 25.66
20863    Largest Submatrix MINSUB 80 26.92
2423    Minimal Triangulations of Graphs MINTRIAN 27 33.33
2005    Minus Operation MINUS 304 33.25
3964    Investment Money MINVEST 617 25.57
32469    Minions v/s Minions MINVSMIN 63 55.17
7588    Wise And Miser MISERMAN 5401 67.82
35146    Make IUT Great Again MIUTGA 16 19.80
345    Mixtures MIXTURES 8875 36.37
7761    Jollo MJLAR10 394 39.98
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