list of classical problems

30351    Quest Hunter NPC2016E 10 18.18
8583    Garden NPOWM 20 63.89
1771    Yet Another N-Queen Problem NQUEEN 320 24.41
18905    Kapti and Balu NR1 38 32.65
18963    Bhagat The Bit Man NR2 655 31.58
12321    NSquare Sum ( Easy ) NSQUARE 92 60.45
12322    NSquare Sum ( Medium ) NSQUARE2 58 44.31
1112    Number Steps NSTEPS 33876 43.16
8222    Substrings NSUBSTR 1244 29.39
8747    Substrings II NSUBSTR2 145 10.58
1699    Numeral System NSYSTEM 2217 67.16
33777    NT Games NTG 75 41.75
25024    Nth Prime NTHPRIME 91 17.24
12866    Nlogonian Tickets NTICKETS 286 20.29
35151    Beautiful Roll Numbers NUMBERTH 69 63.58
8074    God of Number Theory NUMG 29 36.45
7260    Number Game NUMGAME 91 25.51
7586    Number of Palindromes NUMOFPAL 1329 46.25
26719    Gutibazi NUMPATH 491 47.49
11300    Fun with numbers NUMPLAY 295 35.54
411    Number of quite different words NUMQDW 238 33.43
11202    Number Theory NUMTRY 32 31.12
11180    369 Numbers NUMTSN 777 12.41
4588    SETI NWERC04H 125 67.74
15649    Unequalled Consumption NWERC05 12 19.12
8628    Selling Land NWERC10G 70 46.89
8629    Stock Prices NWERC10H 98 44.77
9887    Binomial coefficients NWERC11A 154 26.64
9888    Bird tree NWERC11B 297 65.18
9889    Movie collection NWERC11C 213 43.40
9890    Piece it together NWERC11D 94 24.01
9891    Please, go first NWERC11E 215 54.01
9892    Pool construction NWERC11F 90 56.90
9893    Smoking gun NWERC11G 40 27.98
9894    Tichu NWERC11H 78 38.41
9895    Tracking RFIDs NWERC11I 52 31.94
9896    Train delays NWERC11J 44 25.40
8612    Penney Game NY10A 7663 67.55
8624    Nim-B Sum NY10B 619 61.11
8625    Just The Simple Fax NY10C 76 41.10
8626    Show Me The Fax NY10D 105 41.99
8611    Non-Decreasing Digits NY10E 3719 54.80
8627    I2C NY10F 32 25.79
5160    Jinyuetuan Puzzle O2JAM 40 36.69
6172    OAE OAE 1159 41.30
3107    Odd Numbers of Divisors ODDDIV 1046 18.26
23516    One day with string ODWS 234 35.99
36423    One Eight_Nine OEN 194 36.17
293    Officers on the Beat OFBEAT 11 21.43
2178    He is offside! OFFSIDE 8389 50.10
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